As a sophomore in college, I’m midway through my fourth finals season. Each finals season presents its unique set of challenges that changes depending on coursework and circumstance. However, over the past couple years, I have come to recognize signs indicating that the (final) finals season for the academic year is approaching and summer is beginning.
1. Your grades seem to have taken a downward turn
All the work you have been putting off is quickly piling up. Deadlines for final papers, projects, and exams are coming in a matter of days. Procrastination is at an all-time high but is also the very reason for the dip in your grades. It's time to accept your fate and pull all-nighters to salvage those grades―before it's too late!
2. Sleep deprivation has become a norm
There is only so much time left in the semester, and sleep has become a luxury. With only so many hours in the day and so much left to do, studying has replaced sleep and your sanity has been replaced with the fleeting euphoria that only all-nighters can provide.
3. The repetition of dining hall food has become unbearable
No matter where you go to school, the repetition of dining hall food is unavoidable. However nice the food options may have seemed at the beginning of the semester, the monotony of a fixed menu is only growing with every passing week. Whether or not you are an avid cook, the idea of having a kitchen to cook in and a stocked refrigerator has never sounded better!
4. Your entire support system at school is equally stressed
The people you turn to when you are stressed out are in the same position as you. Sympathy has been replaced with empathy because they too understand the feeling of impending doom.
5. Homesickness is at an all-time high
The idea of returning to your own bed and room has never sounded better. The excitement of being reunited with family and friends who you haven't seen in months makes saying goodbye to your college family a little less painful. The reminder that you will soon be home is giving you the final push necessary to survive finals week and maintain your sanity.
6. Class time no longer feels like a productive use of time
Finals week is so close, yet instead of using class time to review for final exams, professors are continuing to teach new material. Students are not the only ones who are cramming to finish this semester. You would rather skip class and use the time to study, but also know that if you miss these last few classes you will not be prepared for the time. Despite how unproductive class time feels, you don't want to encounter any curveballs on the final exam, so make an effort to keep up your attendance.
7. Basic daily routines become an added burden
When you have four papers to write and three final exams looming in the distance, it becomes hard to do everyday tasks. Even basic things like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and even getting dressed feel like work.
8. Summer is so close yet feels so far away
The amount of time left until summer is small, but the amount of work left to do is cringe-worthy. Finals season only lasts a couple of weeks per year yet feels like it lasts an eternity. The only thing getting you through these next couple weeks is the thought of freedom that is on the horizon.