As we grow up, we are formed by experiences. Some are good, others not too much. What once seemed something of a laughing matter stops being so.
During my vacations at home, this year, we have been affected by an event that happened months ago. The consequence has been so obvious in every single member of our family, and is very heartbreaking, to say the least. It was the kind of event that tears families apart and, for now, it has been working.
I am still hopeful it will eventually work out. But it gives me a whole new perspective on the family I once thought of as "unbreakable".
No family is unbreakable. And I wonder -- are we really obligated to deal with somebody who is toxic? Somebody whose only concern is for self? Are we really obligated to accept them as part of our lives no matter how much they damage us? Years ago, I would've said yes; we should always forgive and forget. Now, my opinion has slightly changed.
I want to forgive and forget; at least, I wish I could. But then I remember the tears, the trembling hands, the unspoken words of support, the promise of never letting anything bad happen to someone you love break before your eyes. And I can't.
I wish this person were to read this. You have done something unforgivable. You have created a monster within yourself, a monster with which none of us are meant to deal with. But, we may suffer and question you and even ourselves, but you didn't stop to think about three little angels who are at no fault. Nothing lasts forever. I'll be waiting for you to understand that, hopefully soon.
I am thankful I have the family I have because we have all learned to overcome the worst storms and come out victorious. It will hopefully work out soon.