Dear Mom and Dad,
How do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate every single thing that you have done for me in the 21 years that I have been your daughter? I know that we've had our ups and downs but i'd like to think that there were more ups than anything and because of that, I had the best childhood anyone could have asked for. You've taught me so many valuable lessons through out the years and although I may not have appreciated them at the time, I sure do appreciate them now. I have never doubted that your love for me was unconditional and everything you did was in my best interest, though I didn't always agree. I may not tell you thank you enough, but thats why i'm here, writing this ultimate thank you letter to you guys because what better way to display my love than to put it out there for anyone to see.
Thank you for always supporting me in my many activities that I wished to pursue growing up. You always encouraged me to follow my dreams because if I tried hard enough, I could make them a reality. You even pushed me to not give up when I didn't think I could do it but you never forced me to do something that I didn't want to do. Ya'll never missed a game or meet and program and always made sure I knew ya'll were my biggest fans.
Thank you for encouraging me to be who I am as a person and accepting me fully. I have never felt ashamed for being myself and I love who I have become. You have both helped shape me and in turn I have acquired some of your best qualities. Dad, you have a passion for so many things and you constantly remind me that I have a reason for living every single day. My stubborn attitude mirrors your perfectly and it helps drive my will to never give up on what I truly want in life. You constantly remind me to put my all into everything that I do, because it's not always about the end result but more about doing the best that I can. Mom, you have a huge heart and taught me to wear my heart on my sleeve because its always okay to show how Im feeling. Your have an incredible willpower in every aspect of your life, and you're constantly reminding me to have determination toward my goals and to work towards them every single day. You are so incredibly selfless and have always worked to give me and Skylar everything we could possibly need in life. You taught me to give back to others and to always keep an open mind about every person and situation.
Thank you for all that you have provided for me and all that you will continue to provide. Im so grateful that I have amazing parents that never let their children go without growing up and even now as i'm 21, you are constantly checking to make sure that I have everything that I need. Despite the fact that i'm a legal adult and need to start figuring things out on my own, I know that you will always be here to give me a helping hand and a push in the right direction. You want to see me succeed and I hope that I'm making you proud as i'm making some of these choices on my own.
I know there are a million other things I could include in this, but these are just some of the most impactful things that i'm thankful for. I want ya'll to know that you are amazing parents and I wouldn't be where I am today without your constant support and infinite amounts of love. Keep doing what your doing because it's working.
Your incredibly thankful Daughter