The Ultimate Ride Warriors Guide
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The Ultimate Ride Warriors Guide

An unprofessional guide to the thrill rides of Cedar Point.

The Ultimate Ride Warriors Guide
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My brother and I are big roller coasters junkies. One of my first memories was riding the biggest roller coaster that had several points where it went upside down at "Sesame Place" eight times in a row, and my parents and aunt going crazy because I never wanted to stop riding it. Since we were young children, my brother and I have enjoyed the thrill rides in amusement parks, watching videos of our favorite rides on YouTube and begging our parents to take us to different parks. Being in the school band and choir, I have gone to Cedar Point every year, and my brother almost every year, to compete in the "Music in the Parks" competition that is annually held there.

This year, he and I went to Cedar Point for his 18th birthday. We went on a Thursday, and the park was not very crowded at all, so we got to ride all of the "big" coasters that people would brag about riding on the band bus home. While we are just two average young adults who enjoy riding roller coasters, we have been on our fair share of different rides at a few different amusement parks, and have waited several hours for one ride on more than one occasion. I think we are qualified enough to put together our own unprofessional list of our opinions of the rides at Cedar Point.

Here is a list of the rides we rode at Cedar Point at our last visit, and our opinions of them (in no particular order).

1. The Power Tower

Cedar Point's Definition: It’s 300 feet of steel rising into the sky, and a choice: You can rocket 240 feet up to the top at incredible speed, or you can start at the top and thrust downward faster than a free fall. Two towers rocket up, and two towers thrust down. Well, what’s it gonna be?

Marie: I really enjoy rides like this one where riders go straight up and fall down. I think Cedar Point has the best tower rides that I have been on. There are two options, fast up and fast down, and slow up and fast down. I have been on both, and both are extremely frightening and fun. Because Cedar Point is surrounded by Lake Erie, the view from the top of this ride is absolutely gorgeous, no matter where you are sitting on the ride. I would highly recommend this ride to people who love rides like this.

Michael: This ride has an awesome view from the top of the tower. It is super exciting to see the whole park from the towers, the adrenaline rush you get on the way down the tower is amazing. I highly recommend this ride to everyone at Cedar Point.

2. The Gatekeeper

Cedar Point's Definition: GateKeeper is the tallest, fastest and longest wing roller coaster in the world! Soar on the wings of Cedar Point's guardian of the front gate when you climb 170 feet and perform a wing-over drop maneuver, sending you on a two-minute, 20-second adrenaline rush! Fly through acrobatic turns and rolls as you coast up and over the park's main entrance. GateKeeper's trains then "thread" riders through two keyholes, built into giant towers that now provide a stunning first impression as you enter the park.

Marie: I personally think this ride is overrated and there are a few other rides in the park that are similar to it. The first hill is very fun, but the rest of the ride is made up of twists and corkscrews, which get tiresome after awhile, especially because this is a really long ride. The fact that this ride loops outside of the park is cool, but not cool enough that I would want to do that multiple times. This is a decent ride, but I would not wait longer than an hour to ride it.

Michael: This ride has a really great view of the park, and the first hill was very fun. There were lots of corkscrews and you went upside down for a lot of the ride. Because of those features, this ride reminded me a lot of "The Raptor" (see below), only this ride was a lot smoother.

3. The Magnum XL-200

Cedar Point's Definition: "For coaster enthusiasts around the world, the Magnum XL-200 is the ultimate ride. Situated right on the Lake Erie shore, Magnum was the first coaster ever to top 200 feet—you can see Canada on a clear day. Accelerating down its incredible first hill, Magnum reaches a top speed of 72 MPH, while rocketing you over multiple hills, three tunnels, and a signature “pretzel” turnaround."

Marie: In my opinion, this ride has the best view in the park. It is right alongside the Lake Erie shore. The first hill is fantastic, and then there are several other smaller hills along the ride. You will definitely fly out of your seat for the majority of the ride, so if you are into that, this ride is for you. It can be a little nauseating, because it isn't smooth at all. If you are okay with lots of bumps, go for it. If not, definitely skip this ride.

Michael: I enjoy this ride, mainly because of the huge hill at the beginning of the ride that makes your stomach toss and turn on the way down the hill (in a good way). It is a little bit bumpy on some of the turns and banks on the ride. The only thing I did not enjoy about this ride was the seating. The safety bar has been uncomfortably tight on my thighs every time I have been on this ride, and by the end, I feel like my legs may explode. However, if you can handle the leg pain, I recommend this ride.

4. The Maverick

Cedar Point's Definition: "You’ve heard of the Wild West--now you can ride it! Maverick is the coaster for riders who want one-of-a-kind thrills beyond the big hills. Saddle up and get ready for more twists, turns and airtime than a rodeo. Plus you’ll go through a “twisted horseshoe roll” and 400-foot-long speed launch through a pitch black tunnel. How about that, Pardner!"

Marie: I thought this ride would be really bumpy and give me mega whiplash. There were constant twists, turns, and corkscrews, but the ride was very well designed and incredibly smooth. I knew the launch would be fast, but it's always faster than I remembered, which is always a pleasant surprise. My only complaint about this ride is that the seating is extremely uncomfortable on your arms. Other than that, I highly recommend this ride, even the line is always ridiculously long.

Michael: This ride is a wild one! It features crazy twists and turns that make any roller coaster fan happy. The launch through the tunnel is exceptional, and really makes the ride stand out. The line is almost always long, but it is a very popular roller coaster that everyone should ride at some point in their life.

5. The Millennium Force

Cedar Point Definition: It’s the big star of the show. A true Giant among coasters. So huge, it created a whole new category: the giga-coaster. Welcome to Millennium Force, the 310 foot, 93 MPH record-breaking monster of a thrill ride. The first hill features an elevator cable lift system to get you to the top faster, then it’s an 80-degree drop to start the coaster ride of your life!

Marie: There is a lot of hype about this ride, and it is well deserved. This ride is truly the best of the best. Riding up the first hill is pretty scary, and riding down that hill takes your breath away. The rest of the ride is just as awesome, and it was over way too quickly. This is a ride everyone has to ride at least once in their lifetime, I personally would ride it every time I go to Cedar Point if I could.

Michael: This ride is the cream of the crop. It is royalty, and everyone knows it. This is my personal favorite without a doubt. The view at the top of the monster hill is incredible, and the constant thrill during the ride can't be compared. It is extremely fast, and incredibly smooth. If you go to Cedar Point, and did not ride this coaster, you really missed out.

6. The Raptor

Cedar Point's Definition: Get ready to catch some big air: When you ride Raptor the only thing under your feet is sky. You really will feel snatched up by a bird of prey as the Raptor takes you wherever it pleases, turning you upside down six different times before returning you safely to solid ground. It all starts when you hear, "There goes the floor, you're out the door—enjoy your ride on Raptor!"

Marie: This has always been a favorite ride of mine. There is not anything that sets it apart from the other rides at the park, but it is still enjoyable. The only thing I do not like about this ride at all is that it really whips the rider around quite a bit, and the last few times I have rode it, I finished the ride feeling sick. If you like lots of corkscrews, turns, and going upside down, this ride will be a favorite. If you easily get nauseous or headaches on rides, I would avoid it.

Michael: The Raptor features lots of rough turns and corkscrews. In my opinion, this is my least favorite of the rides because of all the sharp turns that take you upside down. Although a lot of people do seem to enjoy it, I would not recommend it. It leaves me feeling a sense of nausea after the ride, and the only reason I rode it was to help contribute to this article.

7. The Rougarou

Cedar Point's Definition: Rougarou is the first floorless coaster at Cedar Point. Straight from the depths of the swamp, the mythical legend comes to life hurling riders at speeds of more than 60 MPH. Legs dangling inches from the track, feet skimming, Rougarou dives down 137 feet, heaving riders through high-speed twists and four howl-inducing inversions. Some legends are passed down.

Marie: I cannot tell the difference between the Rougarou and the Mantis, which stood there previously. The only difference is that the Mantis was a standing coaster, which gave it the "wow" factor, and the Rougarou does not. Without that, there really is nothing spectacular about this ride. This ride was too long in my opinion, which is something I never say, just because it was a lot of the same twists and turns over and over again. This ride had the same elements as the Raptor and the Gatekeeper, but nothing to separate it from those too. At a different amusement park, this ride would have been awesome, but at a park at Cedar Point that has so many incredible rides, the Rougarou did not stand out.

Michael: This ride is in the same location "The Mantis" used to be. It reminds me very much still of "The Mantis," the only big difference is you are in a floor-less coaster and not a standing one. It usually has a short wait as well to get on the ride. I think this is a decent ride, and something to check out if you have time at Cedar Point.

8. The Top Thrill Dragster

Cedar Point's Definition: Zero to 120 MPH in less than four seconds. A few seconds later, you’re 420 feet in the air. In the race for pure adrenaline thrills, there is one winner: Top Thrill Dragster. Nothing else compares to this high-horsepower shot into the sky. From a standing start you’re launched forward, then straight up, then straight down and back to the finish line. The ride may be over in 17 seconds, but it’ll stay with you forever.

Marie: Even though this ride is less than 30 seconds long, it is one of the best in the park. The unique design of the ride, the height, and the speed make this ride unforgettable. While one could easily wait two to three hours to ride the Dragster, it is worth it as any rider should ride it at least once in their life because it is so unlike anything else you would ever ride. It is worth the wait, every single time. It is absolutely terrifying, but no other ride can give you the same adrenaline rush.

Michael: This ride is memorable and a total adrenaline rush. It does not last long at all, but people are willing to wait hours to ride this monster. It is the fastest and tallest ride offered at Cedar Point, and something definitely worth riding. No matter how many times I've rode this ride, the initial launch always surprises me. I love it, and you absolutely need to ride it at Cedar Point.

9. The Valravn

Cedar Point's Definition: Prepare for a roller coaster experience unlike any other at Cedar Point. Valravn takes you up 223 feet and holds you over the edge of the drop for four seconds! After what feels like an eternity hanging over the edge, you'll dive 214 feet at a 90 degree angle traveling at speeds up to 75 mph. Get flipped upside-down in a massive Immelmann maneuver, then dive a second time into a dive loop and a 270-degree roll. End your flight on Valravn with a pop of airtime before it’s all over and you’re catching your breath once again.

Marie: In the videos I saw of this ride before it opened up this summer, it looked really cool but not awesome. When I rode it though, it definitely exceeded my expectations. The hills were awesome, and the standstill they do right before you go down the hills (which was one of the main features advertised about this ride) was long enough to scare you, but not too long that it was excessive. The ride was incredibly smooth, and was over way too soon. This is my personal favorite ride in the park, and one of the best coasters I have ever been on. I recommend riding this one multiple times, because this coaster is about as good as they get.

Michael: I rode this new ride and instantly fell in love with it. The view at the top of the hill is awesome, and it actually holds you just over the edge of the hill, which is incredible. The drop feels like you are going straight down, and throughout this smooth ride, I felt like I was actually flying. This is a new favorite of mine.

Cedar Point is considered the "roller coaster capitol and the world," and anyone who comes and visits can see why. For those of you who have never been to Cedar Point, I highly recommend you come and make a visit to the park if you are looking for a thrill. And for those of you who have been to the park before, I hope you agree with our reviews of the ride. And as always, "Ride on, ride warriors!"

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