This year, like every other, as soon as Christmas is over, people begin looking forward to the new year. As the tree's taken down, we're collecting our stockings off the mantle, and making sure that every decoration is put away, we find ourselves pondering what the new year will bring. What will I accomplish? Is this going to be my year? Will I meet the love of my life? Will I make new friends? Or get accepted into graduate school? Where will I be at this time another year from now? All of these questions lead directly to the infamous "New Year's Resolutions" lists which most of us make, but not quite all of us ensure that we reach each goal on this list. It's always hard to keep up the initial motivation, but it's not impossible. On that note, let's begin looking forward, and make it our goal this year to not only create an attainable resolution list, but one that will make us better throughout the process.
1. Manage your time so that you're the most efficient when needed, but allow time to have fun, as well.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it seems like every task one does gets swept into a maelstrom of events, and people lose sight of getting a task done, and also remembering to have fun. Without designating time to enjoy yourself, you'll get lost in your tasks and never make time for yourself.
2. Make time to do something just for you every week.
It's amazing just how big of a difference treating yourself every once in a while can make. Go get a pedicure, read a magazine, watch your favorite chick flick. You need alone time to appreciate and reward yourself.
3. Eat healthy, but when you know you deserve to splurge, then splurge!
Eating healthy and losing weight are the two most popular resolutions. However, statistics show that the majority of people who make this resolution stop working towards it within the first two months of beginning. An easier way to acheive this goal is by eating healthy, but rewarding yourself along the way. Simply because your "diet" says no sweets doesn't mean that you don't deserve a piece of cake at a birthday party, on a holiday, or when you feel that you deserve it. Everyone needs to splurge, sometimes.
4. Stay in touch with your friends and family.
Keeping up communication with others and building on relationships is essential in a healthy lifestyle. No matter how hectic your schedule can get or how much school work you have, always make time to call mom or spend an evening with just your friends.
5. Set a goal to save money for something you really want.
Saving money is always something you should try to do. However, saving money towards something you want, and don't usually save money for, gives you an incentive you want to work to achieve. Save money towards a trip to the beach, a new pair of shoes, or something else you can look forward to. This will make what you spend your money on even more rewarding.
6. Do good for others, as well as yourself.
It's always good to give back to those in need. Help a neighbor rake leaves, or visit the local nursing home and just visit those who may not have visitors often. In retrospect, it's also good to give back to yourself. Find the good in your own life, and do good for yourself in ways you'd want others to do for you.
7. Stop worrying about how many "likes" you get, or how many people retweeted what you thought was the most inspirational thought of your entire life.
Five years from now, it's not going to matter if your crush liked your new profile picture or if your "frenemy" didn't favorite your subtweet about her. Don't use social media as a way to make yourself feel either good or bad about yourself.
8. Eliminate as much unnecessary stress as you can.
Try your best to avoid the things in life that stress you out. You know what will add stress to your life. Do your best to be yourself without letting the stress of life bring you down.
9. If you love someone, tell them.
Love is something we all have inside of us. However, many people have love for others that they keep inside, rather than telling the person they love. This isn't only detrimental to one's health, but it's something you'll regret in the long run.
10. Learn a new skill, like cooking, painting, etc.
Taking on a new skill, such as writing, playing an instrument, taking a yoga class, or cooking a new meal can boost your self-confidence and broaden your world. These skills can help you make new friends, show others what you learned, and be personal victories.
11. Exercise often. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or ride your bike to work.
Rather than hardcore, vigorous exercise for the first two weeks of your resolution list, try smaller, more attainable exercise routines that you can get in the habit of and keep all year long. Taking the stairs, riding your bike, and parking farther away from the grocery store are great examples of little things you can do that make a big difference.
12. Take time every day to think of what you're thankful for. Don't wait until Thanksgiving comes around.
We all get down in the dumps when we think of certain things in our lives. For some, it may be not having the ideal career right now. For others, it could be that you don't feel like you have the clothes you want, a vehicle, or you don't feel appreciated for what you do. But this doesn't mean you have nothing to be thankful for. Be thankful each day for what you have, and for the special people in your life. In the end, it's those that matter more than the material goods you think of on a daily basis.
13. Start a journal, and jot down memories you'll want to look back on years from now.
Keeping a journal to record your life is more than memories of the moment, it's a keepsake forever. When you're sad, you can look back on happier times and feel better. When you're struggling, you can look back on accomplishments, and be given the reassurance you need to know that you can get through whatever life throws at you.
14. Support your local community.
Attending a community play or visiting a local festival is a great way to give back to your community. Support your local schools, small businesses, and families around you. A sense of community is very rewarding.
15. Make it a year you will never forget.
Mistakes happen, but don't dwell on them. Live each day to your highest potential, and don't accept anything but the best. Begin every day working towards your resolutions, and when you feel you ready to expand them, then by all means, do so.
Here's to a better year. A year filled with accomplishments. Stop making goals you know you'll look over two months from now. Don't set resolutions that are unattainable. Strive towards your goals daily, and come out on the other side of the year a better person for it.