46. Misery Business- Paramore | The Odyssey Online
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69 Songs For The Ultimate 'Bounce Back' Playlist

Sometimes you get your heart broken, sometimes you get upset with your boyfriend.

69 Songs For The Ultimate 'Bounce Back' Playlist

In This Article:

This is your ultimate "Bounce Back" playlist. The I don't need you, I don't need you, I am an independent kick-ass woman without you playlist.

Enjoy :)

1. Bounce Back- Big Sean

2. Since u Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson

3. Sorry Not Sorry- Demi Lovato 

4. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together- Taylor Swift 

5. I Don't Need a Man-  The Pussycat Dolls

6. Really Don't Care- Demi Lovato 

7. FU- Miley Cyrus 

8. Be Careful- Cardi B 

9. You Ain't S**t- Sonta 

10. Ridin' Solo- Jason Derulo 

11. Love 'Em All- K Michelle 

12. Nothing On ME- Toni Romiti 

13. IDGAF- Dua Lipa 

14. X- 21 Savage 

15. Shout Out To My Ex- Little Mix 

16. Fighter- Christina Aguilera

17. Break Your Heart Right Back- Ariana Grande 

18. F.U.- Little Mix 

19. Part of Me- Katy Perry 

20. F**k It (I Don't Want You Back)- Eamon 

21. Forget You- CeeLo Green 

22. Bad Girls- M.I.A

23. Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)- Beyoncé

24. Reaper- Sia 

25. Survivor- Destiny's Child 

26. Best Thing I Never Had- Beyoncé

27. You're Such A- Hailee Steinfeld 

28. Strange- Reba 

29. F**k You- Lily Allen 

30. Gives You Hell- The All-American Rejects 

31. Good Kisser- Lake Street Drive 

32. I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor 

33. Tonight I'm Getting Over You- Carly Rae Jepsen 

34. Miss Movin' On- Fifth Harmony 

35. Cry Me a River- Justin Timberlake 

36. Send My Love (To Your New Lover)- Adele 

37. One Millon Bullets- Sia 

38. Needed Me- Rihanna 

39. Do Better- Lil Donald 

40. Bust Your Windows- Jazmine Sullivan 

41. Smile- Lily Allen 

42. Thnks fr th Mmrs- Fall Out Boy

43. Irreplaceable- Beyoncé

44. Too Little, Too Late- Jojo

45. Deuces- Chris Brown 

46. Misery Business- Paramore 

47. That Don't Impress Me Much- Shania Twain 

48. Don't Cha- The Pussycat Dolls 

49. Bills, Bills, Bills- Destiny's Child 

50. Take a Bow-Rihanna 

51. Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)- Kelly Clarkson

52. You Don't Own Me- Grace 

53. No Love- Eminem 

54. Bulletproof- La Roux 

55. What Goes Around Come Around- Justin Timberlake 

56. Ciao Adios- Anne-Marie 

57. It Ain't Me- Kygo

58. No Scrubs- TLC 

59. Hell Of A Girl- Grace 

60. FDB- Young Dro

61. Picture To Burn- Taylor Swift 

62. Love Myself- Hailee Steinfeld

63. F.F.F.- Bebe Rexha

64. Get over Yourself- Kelsea Ballerini

65. I Do- Cardi B 

66. I Don't F**k With You- Big Sean

67. I Look So Good (Without You)- Jessie James Decker

68. Miss Me More- Kelsea Ballerini 

69. Grow A Pair- Kesha 

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