I've experienced it once and experienced it again.
I've asked for it with prayer, repented, said Amen.
The idea, a foreign concept. My selfishness, so natural.
Can this tarnished heart just restart, can it please be pure and whole?
The wound inside is growing, my soul breaking as I breathe,
I'm reassured that there's a cure but infection is all I see.
I'm yearning for your hand, and I'm desperate for your reach.
But calling out, the only sound is my echo mocking me.
You say you'll never leave me, you'll give me what I really need,
My well is dry, I can't see your light, how can I grow this mustard seed?
I know that you are good, and I know you're truly real,
I know you haven't left me, despite the way I feel.
But as I look into the window, I'm the only one I see,
I'm so confused, where are you? There's no transparency.
Instead, there is a two-way mirror, and I know I am your daughter,
I'm yelling now, I'm freaking out, I'm looking for my Father.
You say I just need patience, and someday I'll understand,
But I still can't see through this mirror, and I don't see the work of your hands.
Now I'm finally getting it and now I'm starting to see,
When I'm looking in this mirror all I think about is me.
My perspective is so selfish, so biased, and so wrong,
God's been right there behind the mirror, with forgiveness and grace all along.
I know I can't see through the glass, I'm not even going to try,
You've said it once, just walk by faith. That's what I will live by.
I've experienced it once and experienced it again.
God is there behind the mirror, reaching out his hand.