My fellow WIU students will know all about dead week. Once you get past the off-putting name of "Dead Week" actually sounds like a really great idea. It is intended to be a week with few to no assignments, tests, quizzes, etc., in order to allow students to adequately prepare for their finals. Sounds great right? Yeah, I thought so too. For some students during dead week their classes really have slowed down and are finishing up. However, for students like me in the sciences, mathematics, etc, this is really not the case. Dead week should really be renamed to something like "Killing Me Week."
Finals are stressful enough without having the hardest week of your entire educational career before them. It’s like our professors looked at when their finals were scheduled and went, "Whoops! Didn’t see that coming... Let’s cram three weeks of material into a week and a half. And I see I am giving your final to you on Monday at 8 am and that it is an extremely difficult national standardized exam that students score an average of 30% and 40% but we're going to have lab, an exam and a quiz the week before."
Dead week is supposed to allow you time to study so that you can do the best you possibly can on your exams. So why is it that so many of our professors choose to completely disregard that? It is like they have completely forgotten what it is like to be a student. But hey, if you’re reading this, then you survived dead week!
Now just to get through finals and it is summer! Good luck!