Each and every day we go about our daily lives, heading to work, doing chores, or engaging in extra curricular's. Each day, each activity is adding a page to the story of your life. That story you are creating is a piece of God's art collection because we are his artwork. Your life is made in God's image, but so often the that artwork is shattered, its broken, its damaged and seems worthless. I know this might be an uncomfortable read or the last topic you wanna read about and maybe you don't even want to acknowledge it, that's ok. But be real with yourself, lets all be real about this. Every single one of us are broken people, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it.
The worst part about being broken is how much we attempt to hide the cracks and weak spots in our lives. Somehow it's become normal to cover our imperfections instead of addressing them. Somehow "faking it" is better than taking it to the cross? That used to be me; I would wake up and put on my mask of perfection and went through my day smiley, upbeat but really I was falling apart inside. Truthfully, I was broken and messed up on the inside. I was too scared to show the world something I thought they would reject, I thought my imperfections defined who I could be.
Many of us either are struggling, have already struggled or will go through extremely painful and trying times in our lives. Whether, you are dealing with the death of a loved one, broken relationships, struggling financially, or maybe you just feel like you are losing yourself. Despite whatever is happening, your brokenness doesn't define your hopefulness! We have to be open and accept that we are broken and that we will fail at points in our lives. However, in those moments we can press the closest to God and the truth he has for our lives.
All the cracks and the hidden little crevices that have begun to chip away at you will be mended with God's love. Stop shoving your imperfectness under the rug, set it out for all to see. Be real about it and don't be afraid to acknowledge the fact that only God can complete you. Too often we get worried about needing to appear whole when we are incomplete. The craziest part is that no one is complete and yet for some reason we think it's necessary to reach this impossible idea of being entire in ourselves.
The truth is, I am broken. The truth is, you are broken. The truth is, brokenness is the key to openness. God's heart for us all is to be whole and completed pieces of art made in his image by his hands. No one has it all together and even if it appears someone does just remember that's not possible. How about taking off the mask, throwing away your false identity, and chasing after God just as you are. Support each other we can all relate because none of us have it all figured out.
We are broken, Christ is whole, so we can be made whole in him.