You've finally moved back into school and you're back with your friends. It's something that you've waited for for months now at this point and you feel like nothing can stop you... only to find out that syllabus week has officially some to an end and now there's nothing you can do besides study and pray. Through this week, you feel every sort of emotion from happiness and joy to stress and anxiety because now you have to be in school mode. Here's a visual representation if you need to actually witness it in something that isn't you.
1. The joy you feel when you're finally back with your suitemates.
2. The first night everybody is back on campus and you know it's lit.
3. When you wake up on the first day of classes.
Having the pleasure of a dorm with AC makes getting out of bed really hard. Personally, I relate to Homer on a spiritual level most days.
4. The feeling you get when your math professor says "No Formula Sheets"
This is also the point where you want to crawl in a hole and never come out because how on Earth am I going to pass Calc 3???
5. When you wake up on the second day of classes
Because it's always too early to get up, even when you don't have 8 AM's.
6. "Is it too early to skip class yet?" on Friday.
7. Making it to the weekend.
It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!!!!!
8. Squad night out, right? Because there's no homework in syllabus week..
The only thing taking up space in your mind right now is making sure you look as good as Beyonce does in your bodysuit. Work those dance moves. Whip that hair. Just don't wear makeup so your sweat isn't as noticeable.
9.But then Sunday night rolls around and you realize you have 8 chapters to read and an introduction paper to write because there's still homework in syllabus week.
10. Monday morning rolls around and the first thing you say is "wait, this was supposed to be due today?"
Although syllabus week seems like a breeze, I can promise you there is still responsibility that needs to be held when it comes to the schoolwork portion of college... but celebrate making it through that week because that's just one more week off the schedule until Christmas break! We'll get through it together, college students unite.