Many of us know the term FOMO well, but if you're having FOMO right now because you don't know what it means, don't worry. I got you. FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. Now that everyone is on the same page, let's talk about the truth behind FOMO.
This term has swept the millennial nation and it doesn't look like it is going anywhere soon. Nowadays FOMO can happen at any second and hit you like a big old rain cloud. You could be with your favorite people and BAM! FOMO appears. That sounds crazy, right?? You can thank social media for that. *thanks social media for being the ultimate fun sucker, but also the best place to display all the fun you're having.* Oh how you toy with my heart Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. One second I think I'm having the best day ever, then I get the thought to jump on social media to see what everyone else is doing, and suddenly I start doubting the time I am having all because I see someone else having fun too. But should we really be blaming social media for our FOMO? 100%. Of course, absolutely... not.
As a friend once told me, "go put on your big girl pants and get over it." The truth hurts, huh? Social media is not to blame for your suddenly fear of missing out. WE are to blame for our FOMO. This is where the harsher truth comes, so don't hate me, just read. If you take a step back and really think about FOMO, it is not the fear of missing out, but rather it is the fear of eventually being left out or forgotten.
No one wants to imagine that the people who make them the happiest or laugh the most could ever not be apart of their life. I'm sorry to say because it hurts me too, but the future can hold that possibility. There will always be people who stick with you through thick and thin, those are called best friends and they're pretty great. Most of the time your best friends are not the people who make you feel bad for missing a few group outings here or there. What I have found is that the people who make you scared of FOMO are the ones that make sure you know what you missed and remind you constantly. Those people will probably not be in your life forever and that is fine by me.
Don't let FOMO ruin any of your moments because who knows how much fun is really happening behind the photos and videos you see. The grass is not always greener on the other side, but who cares, because at least there is grass on both sides and not piles of mud.
Live in the moments you have, laugh at the stories you missed, and create new stories that will remind you that FOMO isn't really that important.