There are essential elements that all humans need to survive and sustain healthy systems. We are born from nature, after all, and our bodies are their own incredible organic machines that need to be cared for and maintained. Among nutrients from food and sunlight— perhaps the most basic and vital key to not just human life, but any life, is water.
Buying bottled water is a normal thing these days. Natural water resources all over the world have become polluted but thankfully technology has given most societies access to clean water in other ways. In the age of knowledge, humans are beginning to learn about the best ways to nurture their health and they are thinking about details that may have been overlooked before. These details may be extremely important in the prevention of illnesses and diseases and water is at the forefront of these thoughts, discussions, and actions.
With technology has also come an overabundance of processed food and chemicals in an overwhelming majority of what industrialized societies consume on a daily basis. Processed diets are highly acidic and human bodies are not meant to thrive in acidic conditions. In fact, illnesses, bacteria, or yeast can thrive in overly acidic environments. In order to function, the body takes minerals from vital organs and bones to try and neutralize the acidity. A way to help the body out is to consume more alkaline-rich foods.
So, what does that have to do with drinking water? Water is fine right—especially bottled water? It’s not acidic. Most consumers believe that bottled water is generally better for us than tap water and if it’s bottled and branded, it must be of good quality. However, often the tap water out of your kitchen sink is of higher quality than the bottled water in your hand. A quick alkaline test of any brand named water can reveal the scary truth that many popular brands are extremely acidic, even more acidic than drinking water out of your tap. The pH of pure water is 7. If pH is lower than that, it is generally considered to be acidic— higher pH is considered basic or alkaline. Alkaline water, or “ionized water with surplus electrons” is a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the body. Some believe alkaline water can help prevent or treat cancer, arthritis, or other degenerative diseases. Some think it’s a bunch of marketing phooey. However, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, pH change is a first sign of pollution that scientists monitor closely, and it can affect living organisms in bodies of water.
Of course, drinking alkaline water is not the answer to everything, but drinking high-quality water is extremely important to human health, and it seems pretty clear that low pH level factors into that. Water has become a secondary beverage choice, yet it is what we are all mostly made of. In 2013, CBS reported that because many Americans do not consume near the amount of water recommended by the Institute of Medicine, nearly 75% of Americans are not just dehydrated but are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration. Drinking more water can help absolutely every system in our bodies so that they aren’t struggling to function correctly. Water should be a priority.
It’s nearly impossible today to find and cut out every toxin, every sugar, or every chemical from your diet. But a smart consumer can certainly try their best to make better decisions and find a balance. There are bottled waters out there that are of high quality and that are truly alkaline and most don’t cost any more than acidic water. Unfortunately, America’s food industry needs a lot of reform. It’s a shame that anyone has to worry about what’s in their own food and drinks but researching can go a long way. You do have the right to choose and we can all certainly drink more water. We all have just one body and one chance to take care of it as best we can.