I had no idea what to expect when I went through sorority recruitment. I kept thinking to myself, “Is this all going to be worth it in the end?” Now, almost halfway done with my collegiate membership, I am so incredibly relieved with my decision to join the Greek community here at Kent.
If we are being truthful, I have not looked back once since accepting my bid.
Within my chapter, I have become someone I never thought I would be. I have become a confident leader, a philanthropist, a polished, well-rounded young lady, and above all, someone who strives to be the best that they can be.
The truth is, not all real life sororities are like the movies. In fact, it is not even a sorority; we prefer “Women’s Fraternity.” I know that when I am around my sisters, I will never know judgement, and I will always be respected.
The truth is, my chapter is full of independent, hard-working, and intelligent women. To be honest, my sisters are some of the most intelligent women that I have ever met. In fact, we have the highest Panhellenic GPA on campus.
The truth is, I have become a part of something way bigger than myself. I am connected to thousands of women nationwide. My chances of getting a job are significantly higher because I share a badge with thousands of women across the United States.
The truth is, I feel more prepared to take on a career because of my sorority. After a semester of serving as Vice President, I feel as though I could take on any CEO position. I have been CPR certified, I have been taught proper business etiquette, and have helped raise over $47,000 for a cause close to all of our hearts.
The truth is, upon being initiated into my sisterhood, I have been given a set of moral guidelines to live by and they have kept me on the right path through college. These core values hold me to a standard and make me better than who I used to be.
The truth is, being in a sorority is more than just crafting and hanging out with fraternity men. I have become without a doubt, the best version of myself with the help of my chapter. I have met the greatest people, found a home away from home, and have been given countless resources to help me succeed. The truth is, I have never felt more empowered as a woman since joining. It is truly an incredible feeling that I wish everyone could experience and that is the truth.