A few months ago I wrote an article called, "The Truth About Insecurity." It hit a nerve with many, and coming clean about the struggles I faced day-to-day was very healing for some, including myself. I think when people hear they aren’t alone in their struggles it makes a world of difference. We presume that there has to be someone else out there who faces the same struggles we do, but we never truly know for a fact.
The day I came clean and wrote that article about what I faced everyday I made a promise to myself that I would make a conscious effort to get myself through this barrier I seemed to face. I would no longer feed into the negative self-talk, I would no longer worry more about others lives than my own, and I would no longer hide the feelings I faced. When I was feeling insecure, I would say it. I would address it, try to work through it on my own, and if that didn't work, I would try again tomorrow. Every time I felt that uncomfortable feeling creeping up I would face it, head on, no matter how uncomfortable it felt.
Some of us are more secure then others, that's the truth. Some have their insecurities, but they don't let them run their lives. They find it is easier to become friends with the things you don't "love" about themselves, and move on. Truthfully, life is too short to approach it any other way. No one is immune to the occasional negative thought about themselves or their life, but they are in control of how much they it define them or, even worse, control them.
the second my insecure thoughts determined how I was going to try to build my brand, what kind of significant other I would be, or friend/family member, I knew it was time to change this vicious cycle, and it's never too late for that.
So I pulled myself together and made the conscious effort to become more secure in various aspects of my life. I decided I would no longer live in the past. There is no changing that and there is no reason to feel insecure about what is said and done. The only thing I can control is right now, and the present pays no mind to the past.
The truth is you never “get over” your insecurities; you just make friends with them. You can address that you have them, and be very honest about them. You learn to accept what you cannot change, and you learn that the things you wish you could change about yourself are the things a lot of people around you love.
This life is too short to think that you were put on this earth to hate the reflection staring back, or the mistakes you have made. Don’t live in that prison any longer. Take the first step in the right direction which is facing the feelings that make you very uncomfortable, and until you have control over them, face them every time they come up. Before you know it you will be living a different kind of life, and you will thank yourself later.