Throughout our whole lives as women, we've been told we need to shave our legs, wax our armpits, thread our eyebrows, grow our hair long, and to always have a "no makeup" makeup face done. To add on, companies try to market feminine care as a necessity, like they're helping us out. In reality, our bodies don't need feminine body care products. They actually do more harm than help.
Feminine body care contains many chemicals that can cause serious health problems. Did you know that vaginal tissue is much more absorptive than any other skin? This makes the presence of toxic chemicals even more concerning.
I'm here to tell you the truth. All your vagina really needs is a warm water rinse every day. If you shower every day, then you don't need to do more than that.
And did you know that the super white pads and tampons you use every month contain chemicals like chlorine bleach?
Try looking into organic pads and tampons. They don't contain harmful chemicals, preventing you from potentially adverse long-term health effects. You can also look into alternative menstrual products like a Diva Cup which are reusable, so it's good for the environment as well!
Now that you know the truth, it's time to be more aware and conscious of what we're doing to our bodies. I'm all about self-care, but take the time to research if what you're doing to your body is beneficial or not. It's time to stop complying with what companies tell us and do our own research. If we let them do what they've been doing, young girls will grow up thinking they constantly need to be making changes to their bodies. It's time to take back the power and decide what's best for our bodies, not big corporations looking to make a profit on our insecurities.
It's our bodies, and our bodies only.