Ever since I was little I have always found a way to doubt myself. As I grew older the doubting increased. I compare myself to others and their achievements and how I haven't achieved much and I beat myself up for it. And I recently have become a pro at it.
My freshman year of college was what you would call a train wreck. I hated it. I was on cloud nine at the beginning of the school year and then friends were lost, grades were dropped, and my sorority I realized wasn't the right fit for me. Towards the end of the school year I had complete set my heart on transferring. There was not a doubt in my mind about that choice. I started looking at colleges but then something crazy happened.
Graduation day had arrived and there was a girl who was graduating. She had posted a post about how her college experience wasn't perfect at first but it got a lot better. I was thrilled because I had recently talked to her so I didn't hesitate to text her and tell her that in a small way her post affected me. And she sent me back a short and simple phrase but it has stuck with me since I read it. That phrase was "Thank you! Hang in there, fight through, and you will come out on top" and that was it. And through that text my eyes were opened.
And I'm sure you guys are thinking how dumb or creepy that is but to me it isn't and here's why. My freshman year was full of ups and downs more downs than ups. The first couple months I had done it all friends check, joined a sorority check, made cheerleading check, and was loving life a huge check! Then those checks became erased. And here were the results friends check gone, sorority check gone, and loving life check gone. I was in a living hell. My freshman year went like this go to class come back to my room stay in my room all day until the next class. And that was it.
Of course, I lied my ass off to people when they asked how college was. Because they all seemed to be loving it and I seemed to be the only one hating it. So the text affected me in this way it made me realize that I'm not alone. Sure this girl didn't have the same experience as me but she faces challenges and she overcame them just like every other student does. I realized that I am not alone. And next year will be different! I am putting myself out there rushing for a sorority again, making friends, and most importantly focusing on my grades. But everything I start to doubt myself I just go back and look at that text and remind myself that if everyone else can do it then I can to. So to the senior who sent that message which you will know who you are to you I say thank you. And I will carry the simple phrase and thank you when I come out on top.