“Having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see or hear [sic]; delighting the senses or mind.”
You are beautiful, not by opinion, but by pure dictionary definition.
You possess qualities that give great pleasure. You delight the senses or mind. You are beautiful. You are walking, talking, laughing, creating, loving, and beautiful.
This generation has become completely entranced by the idea of beauty. What makes someone beautiful? What are the latest beauty trends? Who gets to decide what beautiful is? How do we become beautiful? What does it even mean to be beautiful? We have taken all of these questions and distorted this concept so brutally that we have created an absolutely unattainable idea of what it takes to be beautiful and in the midst of this we have forgotten that we already are. We are so obsessed with being “beautiful,” yet if you asked most people to define beauty they wouldn’t be able to. We’re obsessed with defining beauty, but the problem is, it already has a definition and the good news is: you fit that definition.
You are absolutely, 100 percent beautiful in a way that only you can be. You have a unique story that is all your own. You are the only person who is capable of being you in that perfect way that you are. There is nobody else who is exactly like you. That is delightful. There you go, fitting that definition again.
Not only are your physical appearances 100 percent your own (even the closest of twins still have that one thing that tells them apart), but that incredible mind of yours is unmatched by anyone on this planet. Nobody can “delight the senses or mind” exactly the way you can. Nobody else can bring the same beauty to a situation that you can.
We are so focused on defining beauty and putting it in a box that we have stripped ourselves of our individual beauty and worth. We have decided that there can only be one beautiful and I think we are missing the point that beauty isn’t one thing, one physical feature, one style of clothing. It is literally, by definition, anything delighting to the senses or mind, which we all are. We see another human and we immediately assess them, this is delighting to our senses. We think about them, what they are doing, where they are going, whether we should engage in conversation with them. This is delighting to our mind.
This word, one simple word, has taken over our minds, our social media, our lives to the point that we are searching for it in other people now rather than ourselves. Little do we know, if we would start with ourselves, we would see it.
We allow this overwhelming desire to be beautiful consume us to the point that we aren’t able to realize all of the other things we can be because we're so obsessed with becoming something that we already are.
You see, by simply existing, we are beautiful. We are as much beautiful as we are human.