We all seek it, we all give it, we all ponder about it... but do we actually act on the advice given to us?
Everything is always easier said than done.
Remember, though, that people who give you advice are usually outsiders of your situation that are giving their opinion of how they would handle it, which usually always seems to be the best route.
But do you do it? Absolutely not. Now, why is that?
It's true, your friends, family, significant others and coworkers usually have the right intentions for seeing you succeed.
Unfortunately, though, since they are not actually in the situation, it makes it that much harder to act on the advice. Am I right? Personally, I think about the situation and the advice given to me. I think myself into making excuses and passes for reasons I should not act upon it.
Usually, if you are seeking advice, you probably are not happy with whichever solution you're looking for. And that is more than enough reason to take the advice and get it going.
Your mind (at least my mind) likes to ponder the advice and the given situation. A lot. Actually, way too much. I'm constantly considering and reconsidering my life choices and if there is any way to alter them to make for a happier life.
Most of us are just content, we're okay with living minimal jobs, having minimal friends, and having minimal passions.
When receiving advice, it usually comes from just venting about these minimal tidbits in our lives. People who are not involved in the situation have great answers for what to be done about it. It could be as easy as joining a club to get more involved with the community or seek out intro classes to create new passions, but sometimes advice can be as intense as packing a bag, quitting your dead-end job and booking it. When in the moment, you realize. Wow, I really should do A, B and C.Get the courage and go do it. The people who give the advice can see you're truly not happy with some aspects of your life, and that's okay. It's something we learn to change so we can be happy. And if we do not have the answers we need to make the change, advice can always be our pushing motivation.
Take the advice, whatever it may be. Do not keep making the excuses for why you continue to be just "content." Create the life you are ecstatic about, one you do not need a vacation from.
Whatever may seem hard right now in your life, will probably be nonexistent in days, weeks, months or even years from now. Keep on swimming, keep your head up and do not forget to always continue to create.
Be happy. Choose happiness.