Before you read, keep in mind that this is an opinionated piece. But as you carry on, you might find that most of the following is true. I will chronicle more thoughts throughout the course of his presidency.
We progressively went from our first black president to what is now, our first reality star president. I do not know what Donald Trump's followers have heard from him that made them vote in his favor but I can tell you what I heard that made me never even consider it.
1. The misogynist comments about women
2. The outright racism and bigotry he displays
3. His poor use of the English language/enunciation techniques show me his level of intelligence i.e. "Bigly" when he meant “Big League”
And let us just face the facts, we went from Obama (our first black president) to Trump (the face of all that is xenophobic). In the year 2008, America was ready for an all inclusive country. But somewhere throughout President Obama's 8 year run, America began to rear its’ ugly head on racism. This is true as it could be felt. The thought of having this man, no matter how skilled and qualified he was for the job, killed those of whom could not look past the melanin in his skin. I am not for mentioning President Obama’s race (or half-race) as I find it unnecessary to the aptitude of which he has gained throughout all his life experiences. Nevertheless, it needs mention as we appraise the current state of our United States. When we consider who we have to call our president now, it is because America could not handle what they had and so they carried themselves to the polls to reel in the complete opposite. It is said America can not handle a Democrat for three terms and I just find that to be ludicrous thinking.
It is a victory for those of whom are allocated to the mindset of Trump. But it will be a lamentable few years for the rest of us. As the current protests erupting all over our country will tell you, there is a civil unrest among our people due to this decision. The majority spoke. They wanted Hillary Rodham Clinton. The electoral college — a debunked system — won. They got Donald Trump.
Unfit is a small word for why he should not be our leader. And yet the reality from this reality star proves to be just that. It is an absolute nightmare to some. Take, for instance, the images of Hillary supporters breaking down in tears upon hearing the life changing news. As a matter of fact, the Google search that saw a 4,850% surge upon his winning of the candidacy was "how to impeach a president". Subsequently, the Canadian Citizenship and Immigration website crashed from an influx of user traffic. Apparently, many of us feel the need to get this character out as our head of office. What started off as a joke is now our very lives. And what is it that makes him qualified?
Not much.
His ability to speak on a level similar to most of America and coerce them into believing his facades is what got him here. But they are empty promises; not to mention unjust ones. Not only will the four years, shall he conclude his run, be a hindrance in our lives but have we stopped to think about our far future?
One day, children will open their textbooks and be viewing Trump amongst the likeness of actual great presidents like Theodore Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy. What will we say to them then?