There’s always that one little kid who appears cute and innocent at first, but then becomes your worst nightmare. This child refuses to leave the side of your truck (even after already having an ice cream)and after each customer they will stick their head in your truck and beg you for a free ice cream. Apparently saying no once doesn't work. It isn’t until you've told them 5 times that you can’t give out free ice-cream that they begin asking other random parents with children to buy them an ice cream. If you ask me, I’d say this kid needs a better babysitter.
Counting Mountains of Change
Money is money they say, until you're the one counting $3 worth of pennies, nickels, and dimes. In the midst of a long line, the last thing you want is some little kid running up to your counter, asking for an ice cream, and then emptying their fists full of change all over your counter. But guess what, when you're behind the counter in an ice cream truck this is a reoccurring tragic event.
Grab and Go
How an ice cream truck works is you walk up, ask for your ice cream, receive your ice cream, pay for it, and then wait for your change if necessary. With little kids, it doesn't always work like that. There’s always that occasional kid who gets his ice cream and runs. What am I supposed to do in that situation? Should I yell “ hey kid in said color shirt you have to pay”, that’s awkward. Should I climb out of the truck and run after him? Guess I could use the work out. Those are always fun moments. On the other hand, theres the kid who gets their cream, pays, but then runs off before they receive their change. Do kids not know how to walk anymore? So there I go getting out of the truck to chase after them because they blatantly ignore me when I yell for them to come back. I love when everyone stares at me on my usually child chase.
The Droppers
With kids comes clumsiness. The amount of times a child gets their ice cream and drops it 2 seconds later is crazy. The funny part is when they come back to the truck right after that asking for a new one, for free. I guess I was unaware of the two for one deal!!