If ever the time comes that you and you best friends no longer live in the same city, it will be rough. I mean, you go from seeing them all of the time, to almost never and that isn't exactly ideal. However, if it is mutually accepted that this friendship has to work out, you are most likely familiar with the following:
1. Missing them all of the time
This is kind of self-explanatory. Missing your best friends seems kind of obvious but sometimes it will surprise you how much you actually do. It's like, a lot.
2. You forget that they have lives.
If your friend is ever occupied or takes longer than usual to answer a text, it almost always feels like a personal attack on you. In reality though, they're busy, just like you. You're just being annoying.
3. You would give just about anything to do everyday things with them.
Doing anything with them would be great, but it's the little things like going shopping or doing your nails together that makes it feel the most like when they were around all of the time.
4. Hearing about their lives brings you immense joy.
They could be telling you all about a new guy they like or what they bought at the grocery store, but you'll listen to either with the utmost excitement. It doesn't really matter what is being discussed, you're just excited to be talking to them.
5. You wish you could be there to defend them when things aren't going so well.
They know that if they seriously needed you, that you would be there A.S.A.P to throw some deserved shade at whoever.
6. You are constantly looking forward to the next time you'll see them.
From the minute you leave their side, you are counting down the days, minutes, seconds until you see them again because you miss them already and the thought of when you guys do get together gets you excited.
7. When you do finally see each other, it's like no time has passed.
It doesn't matter how long it has been, when you do see your BFF, it feels like no time at all has passed but you obviously still hug them as if it's been forever.
Obviously having your best friend live so far away isn't the ideal scenario, but having a friendship like yours makes it all worth it. Through everything that a long-distance friendship throws at you, you know that at the end of the day, you always have someone rooting for you - no matter how many miles are between you.