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The Toughest Position On Earth

Why no real Republican wants to be Trump's running mate.

The Toughest Position On Earth
National Review

What's the least wanted position in American politics? Well, that really depends on who you are but as of lately, it seems to the be the position of Donald Trump's running. Trump, though adored by a large amount of angry, working class conservatives in the Republican party, has only divided the rest of the party even further than it had already split in 2008. Let me explain. Let's flash back to 2008. President Obama was about to be the winner and everyone was starting to see that, whether they liked it or not. Senator McCain was simply out of luck. The Republican party had split over the issue of healthcare and a new branch of the Republican Party had formed: the Tea Party. While members of the Tea Party, like Senator Ted Cruz, loudly and vocally opposed any type of healthcare reform (and really any increased aid to the impoverished at all), traditional Republicans may have disagreed with the Affordable Care Act; however, they had bigger fish to fry.

While all these divisions were quietly taking place in the backdrop of more pressing matters (the war on terror, ISIS, etc.), Donald Trump saw an in to assert his powers. And now voters everywhere wonder: why doesn't he have full support of the Republican Party? Why is "the most powerful Republican" and House Speaker, Paul Ryan, holding back on his full endorsement of Donald Trump.

Well, there's the fact that he is rude to pretty much everyone, especially minorities. Republicans aren't great about caring about minority rights, so that's probably not the case. Then there's the conspiracy theory that Trump is cahoots with Clinton and decided to throw all of his money at running just so she could win. That theory actually may be accurate and it's the one I buy into. Trump has historically been close with the Clinton family. Trump is certainly smart enough to say all of the things that the typical aforementioned: angry, white conservatives might support to gain votes when he is secretly a Democrat. However, I am in the minority of American voters who buys into that theory, so that's probably not where the lack of support is coming from either.

So where is it coming from? It's coming from the fact that real Republicans (the party that has now become more and more libertarian) care about policies. They know and understand economic issues and government documents and the UN and NATO and I'm getting excited now if you can't tell... Well, that was a rabbit chase, but the point is that many of those real Republicans have dedicated their lives to playing in the elephant field. They see past Donald Trump's hair and his mile wall, and they know that no real Republican would ever "Make America Great Again" in the way Donald Trump wants to make it.

Donald Trump will have found a running mate by the time this article is published in mid-June, but whoever he or she is -- they'll have to be prepared for the toughest position on Earth. In the words of the typical Southern voter, "Bless their heart."

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