A quarterback on the football field is often referred to as a "field general", a leader, who often gets credit for an entire team's win. They are also believed to be gritty, confident, and motivating.
So why have they become so soft?
More so in the NFL, many (not all) quarterbacks are constantly seen complaining or begging for penalties which are either barely committed by a stitch, or don't happen at all and the QB is trying to flop and/or pull a mediocre Broadway act.
I understand the safety precautions which have been implemented by the NFL and other various levels of football, and I will admit sometimes there are blatant cheap shots or infractions with these precautions where penalties need to be enforced. Medical technology and research has assisted with the protection of the players, as well as suiting players up with the best protective equipment money can buy outside of an Iron Man suit. But why should quarterbacks get special treatment? Linemen clash together every play of the game; linebackers are making tackles left and right; running backs are lowering their shoulder for an extra yard or two. Why has the quarterback position been restricted from the full contact every other player goes through? (with exception to kickers and punters, no offense)
This scene is brought to the forefront especially when quarterbacks of a hybrid type, who are mobile and can run outside of the protection from their linemen, are able to act as running backs and showboat when they pick up a first down or big play. Yet, the second a penalty may have been committed on the QB, they are the first to be in the referee's ear.
As aforementioned, football is a full contact sport. Think back to the days where every offense ran a running option or Veer offense and quarterbacks were hit on almost every play (and they also wore leather helmets); there was no complaining, just picking yourself back up and carrying on to the next play. Understandably, the knowledge of physical injury wasn't as prevalent as it is today, and I also understand the physical stress these athletes go through; but it is annoying to me how these players who are paid large sums of money are looking for any break they can.
Some call it smart in a way for gaining advantages, but I call it soft.