I didn't get the reputation of being the girl in the cafeteria who is always reading a book for nothing. If you are a book worm at heart like I am than you will definitely understand that these ten things make all the sleepless nights and tears over books completely worth it.
1. Using a book to hide behind when you don't feel like interacting socially.
Most people use the cdell phone approach but when you prefer paper and ink over electronics this tends to work just as well if not better. Plus you do tend to look awfully mysterious and intelligent hiding behind a copy of a classic.
2. Developing an expansive vocabulary which can be most importantly used to insult vacuous people without them even realizing it. See what I did there?
Why curse and scream when you can insult someone without them even knowing it? They might even mistake it for a compliment and thank you.
3. Living a thousand lives in a thousand worlds without ever having to leave your bed or comfy seat.
No matter what genre you love to read, it will transport you somewhere else in the comfort of your own home; you could be anywhere from a murder scene to a fantasy world.
4. Opening a new book and smelling the "new book" smell.
Every book worm knows what I'm talking about. The creak of the book when you open it for the first time and the smell that is as recognizable as freshly cut grass, that's a new book.
5. The amazing, horrible feeling you experience when you finally finish a fantastic book.
For those of you who don't understand this feeling, think of it as the equivalent to a shopaholic with a bad case of "buyer's remorse."
6. Gaining incredibly large arm muscles from carrying the extra weight of a book or two or three in your purse or bag everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE.
We've all been there, the fear of boredom or the fear of having a few extra minutes on hand and not having a book to read does it to us.
7. Always being able to say "The movie was good, but the book was better."
This has to be one of the most rewarding yet torturous parts of being a book worm. You have to make sure to read the book before you see any movie that mentions "based on the novel by..." You then fall in love with the book, buy tickets to the midnight premiere of the movie, and when the night of the movie finally arrives you annoy the crap out of your friend and everyone else seated around you because you can't stop yourself from saying "actually, in the book.." and "THAT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" But the fact that you know the truth and what ACTUALLY happens is enough gratification to endure the torture of a misrepresented novel.
8. The feeling you get when you realize the mall you're visiting has a BAM! or a Barnes and Noble.
I don't know about you, but a book store leaves me with hours of entertainment.
9. Passing books along to your mom, sister, grandma, cousin, uncle, and great aunt Mindy who lives 1000 miles away, and your pet rock.
A book that leaves you speechless that you read last week and you just can't believe that more people don't know about it. Therefore, you can't help but recommend (in your words) and basically spoil the whole thing (in everyone else's words) to everyone and anyone you come in contact with even if they didn't ask for it and don't share your love of books.