The Top 10 Best Things About Detroit Tigers Baseball
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The Top 10 Best Things About Detroit Tigers Baseball

Eat 'em up, Tigers!

The Top 10 Best Things About Detroit Tigers Baseball

Baseball is no doubt my favorite sport, and the Detroit Tigers are my favorite team. I am pretty sure that I learned how to say Tigers before I learned how to say anything else! Located at Comerica Park in Downtown Detroit, Michigan, the Detroit Tigers are welcomed back home on April 8, 2016, for the first home game of the season. Baseball is back, my friends!

Here are the top 10 best things about Detroit Tigers Baseball:

1. Comerica Park

Our open-air stadium, located downtown Detroit right next door to Ford Field and the soon-to-be Detroit Red Wings arena, is the central spot for all things Detroit sports. The stadium, which seats 41,297 exactly, has become more than just a home to baseball fans, but also to concert lovers and event goers alike. Although nothing will ever replaced our beloved Tiger Stadium, Comerica Park is definitely a second best.

2. Opening Day

Those of us who live in Michigan know that it still snows in April... As this year's Opening Day could possibly be recorded as the coldest on record, that doesn't stop loyal fans from coming out to celebrate our unofficial first day of spring in Michigan. Opening Day for Detroit fans might as well be considered a national holiday. The first day that is the blessing of our team back on our home field playing the sport we love is a reason to celebrate. It is my favorite of them all, anyhow!

3. The rivalries

We have a fun rivalry every season with the Cleveland Indians, the New York Yankees, and the Chicago White Socks, and we usually win. Being at a rivalry game is an event like no other. All of the sudden, those sitting next to you become the people that you high-five when the Tigers score a home run, the popcorn that you were once eating is thrown across the stands when we miss a good play, and we leave exhausted from all of the excitement and with no voice from all of the cheering. Rivalries put the good, old fashioned fun into the game and create a awesome vibe.

4. Our famous hat and logo

The Tigers' home cap is one of the most recognizable in baseball. It's navy blue with a white Old English D. Plain, clean and simple. It doesn't have cartoons, animals, different colored bills, trendy colors or whatever. The Tigers cap that my father wears looks exactly like the same one that I wear. When I have a child, he or she would wear the same hat. No Tigers fan has to worry about having a cap whose fashion will eventually pass and look outdated. It is timeless and a Detroit classic. Plus, everyone looks good in navy blue!

5. Our mascot, Paws

Paws is the official mascot of the Detroit Tigers. According to his fan page, he was born on May 5, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan. He resides at Comerica Park, and his favorite vacation spot is Lakeland, Florida, the home of Tigers spring training. He bats and throws right pawed, is 20 stripes tall, and his weight is unknown (have you ever tried to put a tiger on a scale?) His favorite activity is cheering on the Tigers at every home game!

6. Our manager, Brad Ausmus

Brad Ausmus is a great manager, but he is also a beautiful piece of eye candy. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks this! Our manager stepped up to the plate (quite literally) in 2014, and has taken over the role ever since. In his first year as manager, Ausmus led the Detroit Tigers to a 90–72 record, winning the American League Central division title. In his second year as manager, Ausmus led the Tigers to a 74–87 record, finishing in the last place in their division. He was also a Tiger himself, playing the position of catcher.

By the way... he's married with two daughters.

7. Ballpark food

One of my favorite parts about going to the Tigers game myself is the food. A nice cold beer, a good hotdog, and some popcorn will do the trick for me! Comerica Park has a lot to offer in the food business, as our executive chef Mark Szubeczak travels the world for culinary inspiration and basically gets paid to play with the food of 40,000 fans during the season. An entire new menu was recently rolled out for our new season. Check it out to see what might intrigue your taste buds at the next game.

8. Who's Your Tiger?

We all have our own Tiger, and we wear their name and jersey number with pride during every game. Whether we are at the game in the D or just watching on TV from home, we always have our one player that we are fan-loyal to through every win and every loss. Personally, my tiger is J.D. Martinez! My dad told me that his is either James McCann or Victor Martinez, and my uncle said that his is also Victor Martinez. Not sure who your Tiger is? Take this handy quiz here!

9. We usually win

Not to toot our own horn, but yeah, we actually win our baseball games. We're good, and we're not afraid to bring our all to every game. According to CBS Sports, since the Tigers began playing in 1901, the all time winning percent is .508, and the 162-game pace is 82-80. So yes, plan on your months between April and October to be full of joyous, Tigers wins!

10. Miguel Cabrera

In the spirit of saving the best for last, there is no doubt that Miguel Cabrera is something to talk about. Our Triple Crown winner, American League All-Star, and MVP of the team is Detroit's most amazing asset. Cabrera was quoted as being "the greatest player in the game of baseball" by USA Today Sports, and "The best. By far. Without a doubt. He's the absolute best" by the same publication. Not only is he a great player, but he is a good person as well. Cabrera began The Miguel Cabrera Foundation in 2012 to help a variety of children's funds. He also uses his foundation to encourage young kids to play baseball and softball. In 2012 and 2013, Cabrera was nominated by his team for the Roberto Clemente Award, honoring the MLB player who best represents baseball on and off the field.

All in all, the Detroit Tigers are a timeless classic, and will always be my very favorite team. Go Tigers!

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