2016 has been one heck of a roller coaster ride. We've experienced lots of good and lots of bad on our last trip around the sun, but most of it has been due to our decisions and shortcomings. Here's a quick list of things that will make both your life and the world a little bit better in 2017 (because we know we need all the help we can get after this year).
1. Your Little Bad Habit
Everyone has at least one thing they know they need to stop, but continually justify it by saying it's "no big deal." Maybe it's something others notice like swearing or using bad grammar, or perhaps it's something that has a negative effect on you personally like sleeping in your makeup or having online shopping binges. Whatever it is, remove it from your life, and I promise you will feel a confidence boost.
2. Chokers
These don't flatter anyone. You don't look like a hardcore rocker, you look dumb and I promise you will cringe in five years when you look back at yourself in photos.
3. Vaping
This goes along the same lines as chokers because it's honestly pretty lame. Who cares if you can blow rings of water vapor; if that's you're most proud accomplishment then you're not nearly as cool as you think you are.
4. Your Past Relationship(s)
This one can be super tough, but it's also one of the most important points on this list. Previous relationships have no place in your life when you're moving forward, so it's time to file away what you learned from that experience and move on (and yes, that means you have to stop stalking them on Instagram and checking their Snapchat stories).
5. The Words "Fleek," "Bae," and "Turnt"
They're not even real words, and they automatically make you sound about twenty IQ points lower than what you actually are. So please stop.
6. Your Views On The 2016 Presidential Election
It's old news at this point, and frankly, everyone already knows where you stand politically. There's no point in continuing to stir unrest by showing extreme disrespect to the president-elect or condescendingly telling everyone how wonderful he is. Let it go, move on, and take some pride in your nation.
So there you have it, the top six things that need to be left in 2016. It's time to go into the new year with a new attitude, and leave whatever mistakes you made last year behind (including vaping and wearing chokers because yes, those are definitely mistakes). We should learn from our past experiences, but if we continue to let them define us, we will never grow past them. Happy 2017!