A lot of people believe that you need some college basketball knowledge to fill out a March Madness bracket. Sure, some familiarity helps, but more often than not you can do really well just by going with your gut. Whether you're a die-hard basketball fan, or are just playing for the first time, anybody who is anybody can play this game. Out of the 40 million Americans that filled out college basketball brackets, here are the 50 different types of people who came to play March Madness this year.
1. The guy who's trying this for the first time
2. The guy who knows absolutely nothing about basketball
3. The guy who has never watched a college basketball game in his life and is now a UNC fan
4. The sports bigamist
5. The "go hard or go home"
6. The "flip a coin" guy
7. The "I did this with my eyes closed" guy
8. The one with beginner's luck
9. The guy who is cheering for the wrong team
10. The fantasy first fan
11. The front runner
12. The underdog
13. The guy who jumped on the bandwagon
14. The college basketball scout
15. The coach
16. The mom
17. The dad
18. The grandma
19. The finance faker
20. The workaholic
21. The guy who could've gone pro
22. The basketball player that plays D1 at the club level
23. The statistics major
24. The bleacher report
25. The regular sports radio caller
26. The one who does it for charity
27. The one who does it for the money
28. The one who just likes filling out the brackets
29. The one who was forced against his will
30. The international student who didn't know what he signed up for
31. The "Anonymous User42693" who joined your bracket group because you forgot to make it private
32. The guy who can't watch a seven-game series
33. The "drunk and suddenly an expert" fan
34. The cheerleader
35. The former high school star
36. The soccer fan
37. The celebrity
38. The guy who made multiple brackets to increase his chances
39. The girl who guessed all of them right
40. The president of the United States
41. The guy who copied President Barack Obama's bracket
42. The guy who did this the night before
43. The guy who had his bracket ready in January
44. The faithful alumni
45. The "hates one guy" fan
46. The "back in my day" guy
47. The girl who picks based on jersey colors
48. The "I only know a few of these schools" guy
49. The guy who always picks "Ask Madden"
50. Kevin
If you made a March Madness bracket this year, I wish you the best of luck. If not, definitely hop on next year because it's a lot of fun. Thanks for chilling with me this week, and let's go Michigan State...