I've been thinking recently and I have gathered a list of things that I want to do before I die:
1. See The World
Although I will be traveling in a few weeks, I would like to immerse myself and travel to many places around the world. It doesn't even have to be far, I have only visited around ten states here in the United States. My goal would be to at least see all fifty by the time I can't travel any more.
2. Be Perfectly Content and Happy With Where My Life Is Now
I don't want to worry or regret anything I've done in the past or the future. I want to be at a certain point in my life and be content and happy that things worked out well. That I could tell my younger self that everything you've gone through was worth it. That I will be satisfied with where I am at in life and that there will be nothing I've ever regretted or wished I had done instead.
3. Face My Fear Of Heights
I have tried before, but one day I would like to completely get over my fear of heights. No I'm not just talking about going on a scary roller coaster ride or cliff jumping, but perhaps bungee jumping or even sky diving. That's way out of my comfort zone and sounds scary to me right now, but in fifty years I want to say that I have conquered my fear and have no doubts about it.
4. Give, Give, and Give
There is only so much one can take before the need to give back. I would love to give as much as I can, as often as I can. There is no other feeling as rewarding than the gift of giving, no matter how cliche that sounds. It's true.
5. Take Chances
As I've mentioned before I want to take chances, I don't want to look back at a certain point in my life and wish I had done it differently. I don't want to regret doing or saying something so much that I think about it constantly. I just want to do, do whatever it is and roll with it. To take those chances and to not think twice about it because no matter what I chose, the alternative would always be just as great.
I wish that whoever is reading this will take it as a sign, to find the thing you've always wanted to do and do it. Don't hold back and just do it.