Just like my college cohorts, we're all due for a much needed nap. And no nap is better than the week long nap that is Spring Break. However, who you are or where you go decides whether your Spring Break is a relaxing nap or an exhilarating vacation. Some students like to travel, some like to take it easy. As for me and my opinions, here are my top five picks for Spring Break destinations!
5. Florida
I hate to sound stereotypical, but let's face it, a lot of college kids like to party! I'm not one to party much, but that doesn't stop other students from having a fun time! Honestly, college can get a little boring sometimes. College parties might lose their luster to some, so a fun beach party in Daytona seems like a major upgrade. Another huge perk of traveling for Spring Break is the appeal of going somewhere warm. For the majority of the country, by the time Spring Break comes around, it's still a little cold. Obviously the sun and fun of Florida seems like a nice choice. Other than Spring Break, I can't really see another reason why anyone would travel to Florida on purpose, so now's your chance, kids.
4. The West Coast
Keep in mind, when I say West Coast, I don't just mean California. Similar to Florida, California has the same warmth and fun appeal of Florida. But I wasn't going to give an entire slot just to something so similar to Florida. No, California is not the only thing great about the West Coast. You know what else is on the West Coast? A few cool places called Portland and Seattle. And that by far is not the end of the list. When people say "West Coast, Best Coast," they're kind of right. It's a long stretch of the country filled with fun and culture, and if you've never been, Spring Break is a great time to take it all in!
3. A Foreign Country
Similar to how the West Coast contains a good dose of cool cultures, a foreign country has nothing but new cultures! A few good ideas for foreign country destinations include the UK, France, Italy, Japan, or even Canada! Typically, students get opportunities to travel abroad for classes, but the best part of traveling on Spring Break is that it won't be an assignment, it's just for your enjoyment! You won't have to write a paper or anything about the country you go to, you just get to immerse yourself in a culture while you enjoy your break from school.
2. Hawaii
Do you want to go somewhere tropical, like a land you go to in dreams? Then go to Hawaii! It's a little more west coast than the West Coast, and it has a bunch of unique culture like a foreign country. This one along with going to a foreign country might be a bit on the pricey side, but if you can afford it, than by all means, go to Hawaii! Honestly, I've never met a person who went to Hawaii and was sad about it. There's just as much fun partying as Florida in Hawaii, but a bit more tropical. I know for sure that I want to go to Hawaii some day, and I'm envious of those who get to go for Spring Break this year.
Are you not big on parties? Does traveling seem a little unappealing? Then GO HOME! To me, home is the choice destination for Spring Break. Home is like a hotel you don't have to pay for. All the food is free, your hotel bed is super comfortable, and if you have pets, then it's a hotel that allows animals! If you're anything like me, a break from school is the best time to unwind and relax. And home is the best place to do that. Everything is familiar yet still seems a little foreign since it's not the only important place in your life anymore.
So whichever destination you choose to go to for Spring Break, I hope you have a fun and safe time. And make good choices, kids.