It's time to get spoopy! Halloween is coming and that means it's time for everyone to get the pants scared off of you. With Halloween comes a massive amount of cheap, stupid horror movies flooding the theaters to make a few bucks. These movies tend to be massive flops, but as a massive horror movie lover myself, I feel like I have a solid view of good and bad horror movies. However, these are just my opinions, and I am a film major, so I tend to judge movies a bit harsher than the average viewer.
The Worst:
1. The VVitch
Though there were no doubt redeeming and interesting moments, the Witch was simply lackluster. There was no point in the film that was even remotely scary, despite it being called one of the scariest movies. Overall, it felt like a waste of two hours, especially since half of the dialogues was unintelligible due to the thick accents.
2. Insidious
Though Insidious was easily one of the most hyped up horror films and comes from the genius horror filmmaker James Wan, I found the movie surprising lackluster. I was expecting a lot, so perhaps the film just didn't live up to the hype. I didn't think it was scary and the pacing seemed weird and rushed.
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
I feel like any classic horror film definitely exists in their own universe of a genre, but regardless, any horror film made in the 80s doesn't live up to the horror of modern-day. Regardless, nowadays, this film is more of a laugh on the level of Scary Movie than actual horror.
4. Devil
A horror movie with an uninteresting plot line without anything scary to it, this film is so bad it doesn't even have a GIF that I could find to go with it.
5. Paranormal Activity 2
Though the Paranormal Activity was very good for what it was, the second one seemed to lack in it's activity, hardly any being paranormal. Though I will say (spoilers) the only plus side is that the dog survives.
1. The Conjuring
The Conjuring is by far one of my favorite horror films. The cinematography is beautiful and suspenseful, the story is compelling and interesting, and the scares are not simply cheap jump scares. The scares are genuinely horrifying and it leaves you feeling uneasy and scared for a few weeks afterward.
2. Apartment 143
A movie that's a bit too indie to find a gif, Apartment 143 is a found-footage/documentary style film that has so many terrifying moments that you have to take a breather to deal with. In the director's typical style, there's a terrifying twist at the end.
3. The Conjuring 2
The Conjuring 2 follows up the first one well. Though the first one is by far better, the second tells a terrifying story with amazing cinematography and genuine terrifying moments.
4. Odd Thomas
Though not necessarily the scariest movie, Odd Thomas has ghosts and is a genuinely enjoyable movie. For those of you who love Halloween, but don't like scary movies, this enjoyable, slightly creepy thriller is more your speed.
5. Halloween
An old classic, Halloween is one of the most classic Halloween films out there and a sure classic for everyone looking for a Halloween classic.
To help get you in the Halloween spirit, there's my recommendations and my non-recommendations for Halloween movies. Whether you love scary movies or Halloween in general, there's my advice for you.