Since becoming vegan, I've heard every last joke that there is about veganism. At this point the jokes don't even phase me, but some questions are so ignorant that I can't help but give a sarcastic answer. I'll try and put some of these not so brilliant questions to rest by answering them in this article, however, if you have any more, feel free to keep them to yourself!
1. "Do you only eat salad?"
Are you kidding? I still eat ice cream, pizza, waffles, etc. I can make basically any non-vegan meal vegan.
2. "So since you're vegan, you're kind of like a hippie, right?"
If caring about the well-being of all animals and the planet makes me a hippie, then I guess so. In my eyes, I don't see myself as one. I just see myself as a human being that cares.
3. "How do you get enough protein?"
Surprisingly, there are other foods out there that contain all of these things that aren't animal products! Protein can be found in soy products, beans, lentils, peanut butter, and many other things!
4. "So do you ever plan on eating meat again?"
Veganism isn't some kind of temporary diet. It's a lifestyle change that I plan on maintaining for the rest of my life.
5. "Don't you miss bacon?"
No, I've never been a fan of bacon, but look how cute this pig is!
6. "So do you judge people who eat meat?"
Not one bit! It's everyone's own choice to eat whatever they want.
7. "Being vegan is too expensive."
False. It's fairly inexpensive if you shop smart!
8. "If you cheat just this once I won't tell."
This comment annoys me the most. It's not a diet you can just cheat on. Being vegan is a lifestyle choice and if you're not going to follow it then there's no reason to do it in the first place.
9. "But you ate meat and dairy when you were younger, so why stop now?"
People become vegan for many reasons. Whether it's for health reasons or ethical reasons, it doesn't really matter. Just because I ate meat or dairy when I was younger doesn't mean I still have to now.
10. "Vegan food is so tasteless."
Unless all of your food is filled or covered with animal products, you've eaten vegan food before! I don't know about you, but I don't think fruits and vegetables are tasteless at all. Eating vegan is not as hard as it seems. Give it a try. You may even like it.