I Answered 50 Random Questions About Myself, And Here Are My Responses
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I Answered 50 Random Questions About Myself, And Here Are My Responses

The TMI Tag- Bella Edition

I Answered 50 Random Questions About Myself, And Here Are My Responses
Isabella Bumbera

As someone who has been an avid watcher of YouTube videos since the good old days of 2008, I, of course, spent a lot of my middle school days dreaming of creating my own YouTube channel and catering to a wide audience of dedicated fans. While I did create a couple of channels, I did find that editing and uploading videos was more time consuming than I had anticipated, and I never did launch my career to YouTube stardom.

That being said, one video I always wanted to film was the "TMI Tag" where you reveal entirely too much information about yourself and I figured it might still be fun to answer these questions, just in article format.

1. What are you currently wearing?

A black t-shirt that says "Thank you, MOOD" that I got at the Mood fabric store in New York City a few years ago as I used to religiously watch "Project Runway," a pair of sleep shorts with pineapples on them, and my glasses because it's nearing my bedtime, and I just took my contacts out.

2. Have you ever been in love?


3. Did you ever have a terrible breakup?

With a romantic partner? No. With a friend? Unfortunately, yes.

4. How old are you?


5. How tall are you?

5 feet 4 inches (technically I'm not quite at 4 inches, but I'm close enough!)

6. How much do you weigh?

My weight fluctuates between 110 to 120 pounds depending on the day, so usually somewhere in that range.

7. Do you have any piercings?

Two piercings in each of my earlobes and my right tragus is pierced!

8. Do you have any tattoos?

I have "Let it be," tattooed on the back of my neck, a little autumn fox on the inside of my right ankle, and "He tenido el momento de mi vida;" on the back of my right upper arm.

9. What’s your favorite drink?

I am a cranberry juice fanatic.

10. What’s your favorite song?

Currently, I can't get enough of "Raspberry Beret" by Prince, but it changes.

11. What’s your Zodiac sign?


12. How long does it take you to shower?

Around 10 minutes.

13. What’s your favorite show?

That I'm currently watching, "Queer Eye" and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and of all time either "Jessica Jones" or the first two seasons of "Sherlock".

14. What’s your favorite band?

The Beatles. No competition whatsoever.

15. Something you really miss?

My host mom in Spain!

16. Where do you go when you’re sad?

Either my bedroom or to a friend depends on which one is easier to get to.

17. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

If I have to wake up before 8 a.m., about an hour. Otherwise, I can get ready in 15 minutes.

18. Have you ever been in a physical fight?

Only when I took kickboxing classes!

19. What turns you on?

Thoughtfulness and intelligence. (Guess I'm a true Ravenclaw...)

20. What turns you off?


21. Quality you look for in a partner?

**See the second to last question**

22. What’s your favorite color?

I gravitate towards cool colors, lots of greens and blues.

23. Loud music or soft?

Only loud if I'm in the car, at a concert, or home alone. Otherwise soft.

24. Favorite quote?

"Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon

25. Favorite actor?

My mom and I have a current shared obsession with Timothée Chalamet.

26. The reason you joined Odyssey?

I wanted to write more and having a deadline every week really pushed me to get more creative and have some fun!

27. Do you have any fears? What are they?

My loved ones leaving my life. That and snakes.

28. What’s the last thing that made you cry?

Saying goodbye to my host mom!

29. Meaning behind your name?

Literally "Bella" means "beautiful" in Italian (save the jokes, please), and "Isabella" means "devoted to God," but it's also the name of fox grapes used to make wine.

30. Last time you said you loved someone?


31. Last book you read?

"Bonfire" by Krysten Ritter.

32. The book you’re currently reading?

"Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline.

33. Last show you watched?

"Queer Eye" (I'm re-watching season 1 while I wait for season 2 to come out on June 15!)

34. Last place you were?

My bedroom at home.

35. Last sport you played?

I went rollerskating a little while ago if that counts?

36. Who’s the last person you talked to?

My lovely mother!

37. Last song you sang?

I sang "Helpless" from "Hamilton" to myself in the car.

38. Favorite chat up line?

"Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

39. Have you ever used it?

I'm not a serial killer, so no.

40. Do you have a crush?

It'd be kinda weird if I didn't...

41. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?

My boyfriend!

42. Favorite food?

I like most foods but in terms of snacks, popcorn is my absolute favorite.(I ate some today, actually.)

43. Place you want to visit?

Anywhere in Japan.

44. When's the last time you kissed someone?

Properly? Yesterday.

45. Last time you were insulted?

The last strongest insult was probably from someone that insisted my Spanish was horrible during my first semester in Spain, but now I'm fluent in the language and ended up performing better in all of my classes than this person. I'd say that goes to show what you can accomplish when you focus more on studying and less on trying to tear others down because of your own insecurities. **shrugs**

46. Favorite flavor of candy?

I'm a fan of anything citrus flavored!

47. What instruments do you play?

Violin and I'm slowly learning ukulele and guitar!

48. Favorite piece of jewelry?

A little globe necklace that I've had since I was 3 years old.

49. Last time you hung out with anyone?

I hung out with my grandparents earlier today!

50. Who should answer these questions next?

Whoever wants to :)

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