As I write this article, I don't know what to write about. I feel as if the words that I put on the page are pointless, not going to reach anyone and not making much sense. It's getting to the end of the semester, and I am exhausted, along with the rest of my school. Everything is coming to a close, yet everything seems to be happening at the same time. All the final projects and papers are due, finals are looming ahead, and I'm just tired.
Rest doesn't come easy. It seems like every night when I lie my head down, my eyes are closed and my body is relaxed, but my mind is on fast forward for tomorrow and next week. All I want to do is sleep, yet I can't. Other students at my school are struggling to keep their eyes open; GREs, DATs, and MCATs are looming in the distance. Yet they are unable to rest to be able to do their absolute best on the test.
Professors tell us to sleep and make sure that we get rest, yet they are the reason why we are unable to do so. It's our job to find the down time in life and relax. Here are some of my best ideas for getting rest in the most stressful time of the year.
There's nothing better than sitting down and watching a few episodes of your favorite TV show. Just don't watch one that you're going to invest yourself in.
Even if it's to be able to finish that paper due tomorrow, spend some time with a friend. Talk about good things and happiness rather than the crappy end of the semester.
There's nothing better than a small nap. Even though those three-hour naps can be the best, just take your 30-minute study break and lay in bed.
Call home
Get a quick update on the home drama from your parents. Find out what's going on with your old classmates, at church or anywhere. And no one listens better than the people who raised you.
It doesn't take long, but asking God for rest, understanding, and peace about that upcoming test does more than you think. It's my favorite tool for resting, and the best part is that you can do it anywhere.
So take some time these last few weeks of school. Rest a little, work a lot. Find something for yourself. Enjoy the memories of college, and don't get wrapped up in the stress of tomorrow when there's the peace of today to enjoy.