College can be whatever you make it to be. For some, it is the best four years of your life, but for others it is the most difficult time in your life. Here are some of the times Rick and Morty summarized college a little too perfectly.
1. All Nighters
You need that A so you stay up for several nights.
2. Writing A Research Paper Last Minute
You know it's all your fault, but you can't help but furiously type.
3. When Your Neighbors Are Too Loud
You've finally finished your work. You have an 8am the next day, but your floormates could care less, and your neighbor just learned to play the guitar, and he decides to practice at midnight.
4. Dancing At A Party With Your Friends Like
The weekend is finally here and you want to let loose with some friends.
5. When You Realize That You're Going To Be In So Much Trouble
6. When You're Finally Done With Finals
Finals are over and the first thing you want to do is get the hell off campus.
7. When You're Doing A Group Project
Group projects can be the worst form of punishment. Not everyone has the same work ethic as you do.
8. When Maintaining Your Grades, a Social Life, and Getting Enough Sleep Just Becomes Too Much
9. When You Open Your Textbook For The First Time
That 200 dollar book you bought? Yeah, well the first time you opened it was right before your exam. Money well spent if you ask me.
10. So Much Work
From research papers, to exams, to final projects, your work seems to be never ending.
11. Google Has All the Answers
When Google has all the answers, yet you pay thousands of dollars for professors to answer your questions.