Some of you might wonder, "What is it like being a foreign person in another country?" Well, I'm here to tell you what it is like being British in America right now. In some aspects, it can be quite hard to explain, but in general, it is easy to get the point across.
America has changed my life in so many ways, some negative yes, but for the most part, they are positive; I have come across some weird things on this journey, which in reality is only just beginning still. The first thing, as funny as it sounds, that pops into my mind every time: "Do you Brits celebrate Thanksgiving or July 4th?" Just to clear that one up, we do not. As weird as it might sound, they are American holidays, but on a serious note, there are some things every Brit gets whilst we are here and that is the old famous questions of, "Do you know the Queen?" Or saying phrases in a horrible stereotypical British voice like, "Ello little poppet, want a cuppa tea?" It's old America, we're bored of hearing that (saying that in the nicest possible way).
But on a real serious note, I can tell you all one thing. You guys in America are blind to the greatness around you as a country. A nation that yes, does love itself, but is so passionate about its history and the stuff that is around every citizen. A lot of people ask me if I want to stay in America after college, and I always reply, "Yes." They then continue to ask questions and wonder why I want to be here, but what they are blind to is the huge differences between here and England. Yes, England as a tourist is a wonderful place but they do not realize the opportunities and types of freedom that we have lost as a nation. We are no longer of great power, and it is hard to go to great places living in England. You get nothing for your money and get no respect at all from our government. Which is why deep down, it infuriates me when people say they want to leave America for somewhere like England. This land is so blessed with a world of different views and cultures in one country. You can cross the border of one state and seems like you are in a whole new country -- something you do not get across the pond.
In whole, I personally see people in America a lot more welcoming and positive compared to people back in Britain. Yes, I was brought up around a great family and great friends, but that's such a small number of people. Over 90% of the people I have met in the USA have been super great --the kind of people you would want to be associated with.
To finish, I would like to say how blessed and great it is to be in a country like this right now and to be a part of everything going on and meeting the people I do with the opportunities I get. What is happening in my life right now, I guess you could say is the start of me pursuing, "The American Dream."