Wow, where do I even begin? This is crazy! You’ve just started your second year of college and let me just say you are absolutely loving it already. So with that being said, here’s just a few pieces of advice (that I wish I had) to take with you on this crazy journey thats ahead of you.
I’ll start off by saying this: Things. Get. Better.
As cliche as that sounds, it’s extremely accurate. Guess what? That one teacher you didn’t always get along with throughout high school? You never have to see them again! That boy you thought you liked so much who ended up not liking you back? It was a blessing in disguise. Your life would have taken a turn down the wrong road if he would have stayed in your life. That test you didn’t do so hot on in chemistry? You got through that class! You did what you thought was the impossible. The dog park that you haven't ever been to? Well guess what, you’ll be practically living there once you get your new puppy over the summer of the start of your senior year. She’ll eat your clothes, tear up the furniture, make you wanna pull your hair out, but she’s going to be one of the biggest blessings in your life. Your brother? He’s taller than you now! How crazy is that? He’s also grown up to be one of the kindest and funniest people in your life. Your sister? She’s your best friend. Someone you can go to with anything.
Sure things aren’t always sunshine and rainbows, but at the end of the day she really is your other half. Your great grandmother? She won’t be around much longer. Cherish every second you spend with her and hug her tight when it’s time to go home. You’ll be asked about a spring break trip. You’ll have two options -- 1: You can go to Mexico with some friends, and 2: You can go to Florida with your family to see your great grandmother again. Choose Florida. You’ll be so glad you did. You’ll get to talk with her and hug her one last time and that itself is worth so much more than one silly trip to Mexico. Your parents? They miss you! And you’re going to miss them tremendously. They love hearing about all your crazy fun college adventures. They’re always the first ones hugging you when you’re home and making you all your favorite dinners when you visit.
That sorority? Yes…sorority. You’re in a chapter called Kappa Delta and it’s been one of the best things thats ever happened to you. Your sisters are kind, genuine, supportive, they make you feel confident and beautiful, and they love you for who you are. Your friends right now? They’re the best friends in the whole entire world. They’re those real friends, the ones you can call at three in the morning because you’re upset or three in the afternoon because you’re hungry. They’re the ones you can talk to about everything with. They’re the friends that give you a six pack just from laughing so hard with them. They’re also your future bridesmaids!
I know high school sucks sometimes, and the littlest things seem like the biggest deal back then. But right now, you’re so in love with life. It was all worth it. You shouldn’t want to change anything from your past- it’s made you the person you are today. And you my friend, are pretty great.