You’re going to make so many mistakes. Throughout your life you are going to do things that will hurt yourself and others, you’re going to fail at some things, and you might have some regrets. This is inevitable but it is okay. Through every mistake figure out what you could have done differently, give apologies as necessary, and then move forward. Most likely, no one will recall your errors in the future, but they will remember how you handled them.
School is not everything. Always try your best but at the end of the day there is so much more to life than what grade you got on your test or what level english class you are in. Life is about embracing your strengths and your passions, and about being intelligent enough to know what you can excel at and how you can contribute to the world. The path of your classmates might not be the path for you and it does not need to be. Grow up to do the things you have always dreamed of, not what other people think you should do.
Surround yourself with books. Read something, it doesn’t have to be the great american novel or a literary classic, You can learn something from any type of book you read. And please do not be dependent on a kindle or any electronic reader. You will utilize technology for almost everything else in your life, so allow reading to be an activity that you can just rely on yourself and the words on a page for.
Travel as much as possible. Eat new foods, visit museums and cultural sights, learn from the people and language of each society, and allow yourself to have experiences that you do not have at home. Whether you go across the world or across town, you can always learn something new and make a new memory from travelling someplace new.
You’re not better than anyone else, and no one is better than you. Do not put yourself or anyone else on a pedestal. Even if someone seems better than you at something, there are different strengths that each person possesses. Your strengths do not give you the right to be condescending to someone who does not have those qualities, and you should never be upset by someone else’s comments about strengths that you do not have in common with them.
Be the person you would want to be friends with, and then be your own best friend. Think about the qualities of the friends that you seek out, and strive to adopt those qualities and treat people with the respect that you wish everyone would give you. Also be as kind to yourself as you would be to anyone else. Do not say something negative in your own head about yourself that you would not say to your best friend.
Only put energy into those you uplift you. If you spend time with someone and constantly leave them feeling negatively about yourself, stop spending time with them or putting any effort into that relationship. You can still be kind and cordial towards people without putting energy into them or taking the time to engage with those people. It is okay to let go of a toxic relationship whether it is with a friend, significant other, or even family member.
You never know what someone is going through. Before you make a judgment about someone, think about the fact that last night might have been the worst night of their lives or that they might be feeling completely alone. Give those who you’re not happy with the benefit of the doubt because you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. So hold the door open for people, make polite small talk with the cashier at the grocery store, and smile at those you walk by even if you’re not in the mood to, because you do not know what a difference it could make.
Count your blessings. Even if you are going through the hardest trial in your life, remember how blessed you are. Think of the people in your life and the memories you’ve made. Think about your body and all of the things it can do. It is good to acknowledge the difficult emotions you are feeling, but you have to remember how many positive things you have.
It is okay to be alone. It’s actually necessary to be in touch with who you are and to be aware of your emotions and how you think. Spend time with peers but also go places alone, take yourself to the movies or for a cup of coffee, and be content with that alone time. It is so important to take the time to treat yourself and make yourself your top priority, because at the end day you are the most important thing. Your relationship with yourself and your own life is the only true guarantee.
Never take anything for granted. You never know when the things or the people in your life won’t be there anymore, so appreciate everything you have and can do. Say thank you, find something you love about every day and every person, do not dwell on what you do not have, and always give back.