Is there anyone out there who actually does miss their childhood? Some may think I'm crazy, but I miss it. I’m not talking about high school or even middle school years of your life. I’m talking about the good old days where you got piggy back from your parents, or when you fall asleep somewhere and magically wake up in your bed the next morning. When bedtimes were early and you didn’t worry about being late. I remember all those mornings I would wake up and instantly feel refreshed. No need for coffee or tea, or even going to bed at night, when the only thing that was on your mind was the monster under your bed. Nowadays, it takes so much to wake me up. What I would give to be able to feel like that. When the worst thing was a broken toy, and not a broken heart.
People go through their childhood always looking forward. Never back. They forget how far they've come only because they feel they haven't gone far enough. Then when you're 12, you're waiting to become a teenager. Once you turn 13, you're waiting for 15 to get your permit then 16 for your license and then 18 to become an "adult" and so on. I wish I knew when I was little to enjoy being little while I still could, because in a moment responsibilities will begin attacking and will not stop. Quit always looking for the future, forget the past and live in the now.
For me, I miss the "perfect" world. The world didn’t seem so cruel when I was little, then as I grew up, saw Sept. 11, learned about the Holocaust, shootings, they all started to give me a glimpse of the real world that we all live in. I miss my "Perfect" world. Where no matter what, it was beautiful. Now, I no longer believe that the world is anywhere close to perfect. I now get to see the greed, and carelessness that others help for not only themselves, but for others as well. It’s a shame that everyone at some point grows up and no longer cares to think about others or even the little things in life. Like seeing a rainbow in the sky or the joy of just receiving your favorite soda at the grocery store.
As you get older you realize how much the world hates. I blame most of the lost of my “perfect” world on solely hate. The rest of the blame lies with money. Money is the ultimate force, and some would do anything for it. It seems like everything we really do is really just for money. We go to college in order to get a degree to make more money in the future while paying to attend. We get jobs to make money to pay rent, or for the car. There are endless of reasons why we desire it so much. Money is power. The power to do what you want, get what you want, and experience life at a luxury level. We usually don’t put much thought into how we get it, as long as we do.
It’s a object that can cause people to act careless, foolish and even inhumane. It is the main reason for violence and greed. People who have money want to keep it. People who don’t have money not only want it, but despise the people who already have it. I have one very strong belief about money. You should work hard for it and earn it, but it is the way that some people just throw it around that causes trouble. Most of our wars began because of money, and ended the same way. As a kid, I never understood war, and I’m glad I didn’t. I didn’t live in fear of attacks or even other people but nowadays you always have to be aware and it’s tiresome.
On a lighter note, one thing I really miss is waking up and not caring what I look like. I'd run down the hall in the morning with tangled uncombed hair and not a care was given. Now, I look like the undead has risen.