Dear Mom,
I never said "thank you" for all of those dirty diapers you changed or the spit up that never seemed to end, the nights you stayed up because I couldn't sleep or, maybe, I just had a bad dream, or for feeding me that yummybaby food, even when I would spit it right back at you every time. Thank you for always taking care of me.
I seriously cannot sit here and list everything you did or helped me with because we would be here all night, but just know it is (and will forever be) appreciated.
When I try on 50 different outfits, and I still cannot seem to find anything I like, and then you walk in and tell me I look beautiful. When I feel absolutely worthless because some guy made me cry again, you remind me I am a child of God, and I'm most definitely worth it. Even though I may not tell you enough how much it means to me, I hope you know.
I hope you know, in return, you are also a child of God, and you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Who cares that you make mistakes? You are setting examples for me. I don't care that you aren't perfect or that we cannot make it to the movies this weekend because I know there will be another time and things happen.
As I get older, the closer we become, and I cannot thank God enough for that. Lord knows I need all of the wisdom I can get. When I look at you and see all of the hard work you put into this family, my heart jumps with joy. When I see the bills you and Dad pay just to keep a roof over my head, food in my mouth, and clothes on my back, it makes my heart melt.
To know you are so selfless, and you always make sure we do not go without, means everything to me.
I honestly hope one day, I can set half the example you set for me for my daughter. I hope my daughter knows I love and care about her at least half as much as you do me. When I say you are the best, it is an understatement, but honestly, nothing I say is going to truly represent how I really feel about you. Just know I love you no matter what.
So when I say hurtful things, throw a fit because you make me change out the laundry, or complain because I have to run to Walmart with you after church, don't listen. I would not change any of this for the world. I mean it. We are making memories, and that means the world to me.
Time spent with you I will always cherish because I know one day I will no longer be blessed with your physical presence, with your beautiful brown hair and glowing brown eyes. I will no longer get to tell you I love you or complain about having to do the dishes. One day, I will have no one to call because you won't be here.
But until then, I am going to laugh with you until it hurts, shop until we drop, and contribute to the crazy Pinterest inspired projects.
Thank you, Mom, for being you, and thank you for loving me unconditionally.