The Thank You My Teammates Deserve | The Odyssey Online
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The Thank You My Teammates Deserve

I couldn't have wished for teammates better than you.

The Thank You My Teammates Deserve
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As the competitive season draws to a close and we head into the whirlwind that high school softball is, it’s not abnormal to experience a plethora of bittersweet thoughts: nostalgia, exhaustion, nausea at the thought of another damp sandwich from the bottom of the cooler and many others. But as I reflect, I notice that nearly every memory I have is centered around the one thing I love about the sport most: my teammates.

To my sisters,

We’ve been through it all. Breakups, makeups, bad friends, strikeouts, bad calls, wins, losses, hitting slumps, bad plays, poor test scores, disappointment and quite possibly everything in between. So I just wanted to say thank you.

You’ve supported me through the good and the bad. I am around you more than anyone else, without a doubt. No one could have ever prepared me for the level of vulnerability I would have and amount of things these once total strangers would know about me, or the things I would know about them. Forget privacy and secrets-if something significant (or not significant at all) happens in one of our lives, you better believe we're all going to know about it before the sun goes down. While this idea may seem terrifying to some, it provides me with extreme comfort. When something great happens, they're the first people I want to share it with, and on my worst days when everything around me seems to be crumbling, I know I can turn to any of you, or all of you at once (thank you group Snapchat), and immediately be surrounded with love and encouragement.

You never cease to amaze me. My Twitter feed is full of your offers and commitments to do what you love for the next four years of your life and I feel so very blessed to be able to call you my teammates. Someday, you’ll be on cereal boxes and all over SportsCenter, taking the world by storm. You are all so talented.

You show interest in my interests even if that’s not what you would prefer to do. From going to church together and Bible studies in the lobbies of the hotels we stay at every weekend when we’re travelling, to hammocking, you’re always down to be right by my side with my crazy ideas and hobbies. I love you for that.

You push me past my limits. When I’m dealing with a mental roadblock that prevents me of performing to my best ability, you all know how to dig me out of that rut. You show me that I can do it and I’ll get through it, in time. Thank you for that.

You are the most compassionate people I’ve ever met. Anytime I’m going through anything at all, I can always count on you to give me some grace. You’re my shoulder to cry on if that’s what I need and my motivation to get up and return to life if I need a little kick in the rear. I truly appreciate it.

You’ll be my forever friends. One day, we’ll be attending each other’s weddings and watching each other play on ESPN. You will be the first people I call when I miss home and the last people I say goodbye to when I leave for college.

Three years ago, as I was going into my freshman year, I would have never appreciated these friendships as much as I do now. I took this opportunity for granted. But now as you all graduate one by one, I just wish I could have this time forever. I could not imagine being surrounded by better people who have pushed me not just in what I love to do, but also as a person. Thank you to each and every one of you for laughing with me, crying with me, supporting me, encouraging me and being weird with me. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

With every ounce of love in my heart,


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