Dear Dad,
Life would not be the same without your support, love, and cheesy jokes. You’re always making me laugh (or at least trying hehe) when I’m upset. I’m so glad God chose you to be my dad and help me through life. When I think about how you were almost taken from us, I am reminded of how grateful I am that you weren’t. I probably don’t say it enough, but thank you Dad.
Thank you for always being there. You have never made me go a day without a dad and for that I am most thankful. From cheering on my grades to taking care of my car to giving me comfort and advice when I needed it. When my "low tire pressure" light went off, you were the first person I called. You always make sure I know I can talk to you about anything. You always tell me how proud you are of my hard work in my education and good grades. Thank you Dad.
Thank you for helping me set standards for my future husband. For 20 years I have watched how you have loved and taken care of us. You work hard, love us, spoil us, keep up everything around our house, and give 100% support always. You have shown me and continue to show me the qualities that I should look for in my future husband and father of my children. Thank you Dad.
Thank you for loving me. Your love is bulletproof. You have loved me through multiple arguments and stages of attitude and sass. You have seen me at my absolute worst and continued to give your love unconditionally. Growing up you always fussed me for being sassy, yet your love remained no matter how rude or disrespectful I was. Thank you Dad.
Thank you for giving me a good work ethic. You taught me that in order to get what is important to me, I should work for it. You taught me not to wait for things to be handed to me. You also showed me that just because I’m a girl does not mean I can’t do certain things like when I help you rotate my tires and you give me pointers on taking care of my car. You taught me never to quit or give up. Thank you Dad.
Thank you for spoiling me. You never hesitated to give me all that you could. You always made sure I was set for whatever I needed to do and wherever I needed to go. You always worked hard to make sure I had everything I needed to be successful and happy and you still do. Thank you Dad.
Thank you Dad for giving me unconditional love and being the Dad that little girls dream of having. As I grow up, I notice how many people don’t get the privilege of having an amazing dad like the one I have. So once again, thank you Daddy.
Love, Your Baby Girl