Everyone has had the professor who seems more than 100-years-old or the teacher who is their true crush. Whether it's your first semester or your last, here are the10 types of professors you're bound to meet on a college campus.
1. The Senile Professor.
This professor is the one that needs to retire. They just can’t seem to work technology, or remember how to do simple math. And even with that being said, they still can’t seem to ever admit they are wrong because they are so stuck in their ways. Oh and trying to get them to email you back - just forget about it. "What is e-mail anyways?"
2. The Type B Professor.
This professor likes to put the ball in your court when it comes to assignments. There are no formatting constraints or even rubrics so when you get your paper back with a 65%, it’s hard to not get mad. These types of professors will drive all the “Type A” students’ nuts. What do you mean there is no page requirement? Should I write 2 pages or 15?
3. The Type A Professor.
This is the teacher that is so obsessed with little insignificant details. It may be in class, on the tests or for the assignments and it is so annoying that you might scream. They mean well, and they probably just find joy in knowing exactly how they want things. It may be hard but don’t worry, you don’t have to like them, you just have to deal until the semester is over.
4. The Prejudice Professor.
This is the professor that might say some things to offend the class. And that’s okay because you’re in college and we are all adults here. However, just because someone is set in their ways doesn’t mean you have to be too. You aren’t going to change their mind, so take it with a grain of salt.
4. Your True Crush Professor.
You used to hate science but suddenly you can’t wait to go to your 8am physics lab. Probably because your True Crush Professor is going to be there. Maybe they are the most attractive person you’ve seen or maybe they just are so passionate about the subject they teach you can’t help but smile every time class starts and you see that twinkle in their eye. Either way, having a True Crush Professor definitely makes class more entertaining. Just don’t forget that you’re there to take notes and not draw hearts all over your binder.
5. The Likable but Awful Professor.
This one is hard to explain. They could be the nicest or the coolest teacher walking down the hall. They are friendly with all the students or maybe just super approachable. However great they are though, it doesn’t stop this archetype from being an awful teacher. You want to hate them for not being an amazing teacher but you just can’t because they are too likable.
7. The Grumpy Professor.
Don’t let this one phase you. The grumpy professor is the one that won’t be happy with anything. Don’t let them intimidate you though. Just because they look like they hate their job, and you’re worried they will fail you based on the amount of mean-mugging going on, don’t worry. Smile through the grumpiness and who knows, your biggest triumph this semester could be getting them to crack a smile just once.
8. The Absent Professor.
This teacher will cancel more classes than you will believe. And you thought your freshman roommate skipped class a lot, HA! Don’t be angry about them cancelling class, just use that time to teach yourself something. Or sleep in, it’ll boost your immune system.
9. The Power-Struggle Professor.
This is the kind of professor that got into the business because of the prestigious nature of it. It’s kind of sad the disconnect they have their students though. There is some major barriers between the student and teacher relationship and if you don’t give them the respect they demand, then good luck passing the class. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.
10. The Hero Professor.
This professor is the Prom Queen of professors. They are passionate about their subject. They are great at teaching. They always e-mail you back. They go out of their way to have meetings with you. They are understanding of you being a young adult and just want you to succeed in life. If you ever have a personal problem, they care enough about you to try and help. Cherish this kind of professor, they will help you survive college and be ready for afterwards.
Like they say in Lord of the Rings, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future” or more appropriately, even one professor can change the course of your future.