We drink a lot of water during the summer months and we forget that we sometimes retain to much water. Do you go to bed with a glass of water next to you, then wake up the next morning feeling a little bloating ? Well, then a little detox can help with that. A detox gets rid of all the bad toxins in our bodies.
There are so many different products that you can try to start the detoxification journey. There are pills, detox water, and even tea. How better can it get as having tea as a detox? I wanted to try some detox teas and see which one would have a better result. The tea that stood out the most was Flat Tummy Tea. I had seen so many people on Instagram posting about Flat Tummy Tea. I did my own research and decided to try it on my own.
Some may call it the "The tea the Kardashian's drink," but I believe it is the drink that anybody can drink. I have seen so many good/bad reviews on Flat Tummy Tea. But I took the chance and ordered the tea anyway.
The tea shipped and was delivered in just two days. I was really excited to start the Flat Tummy Tea experience. I made sure I went to Walmart to obtain a tea strainer since the tea comes loose. Besides that, I had my gray mug and hot water ready to begin my detox tea.
Flat Tummy Tea comes with two tea's: an Activate and a Cleanse. There is also a little card that comes in the pouch that reads bloat's a bitch, so is feeling sluggish we get it! The Activate you drink every morning with breakfast and the Cleanse you drink every other day depending on what one is comfortable with. I saw reviews regarding the cleanse and bow movements but honestly It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I went to the bathroom regularly but I decided to drink the cleanse every three days.
Flat Tummy Tea is not a lose weight tea, I repeat FLAT TUMMY TEA IS NOT A LOSE WEIGHT TEA. All the comments from bad reviews stated that Flat Tummy Tea did not make them lose weight, but that is not the goal for Flat Tummy Tea. On the Flat Tummy Tea website and also located on the tea itself it says Reduces Bloating. The tea does not make people lose weight but it reduces the bloating that one may have. If someone notices a difference in their weight that is because of less bloating not weight loss.
People that drink Flat Tummy Tea are also working out as well and of course more results will be given to them. Well, what happens when I stop drinking the tea? Well, the bloating will just come back. Flat Tummy Tea is a system that you have to work for what you want. Once you start you can not decide to stop one day and get angry at the product for not showing you instant results.
I have recommended the tea to many of the women in my inner circle. It has helped me a lot and I will be ordering some more soon. All women go through some extra bloating around their menstrual cycles, so why not try a detox that is currently trending? Bloat's a bitch, Am I right?