As we have all heard Kanye West and Taylor Swift are at odds again. This feud began in 2009 when he so rudely interrupted her acceptance speech at the Video Music Awards (VMAs). He jumped on stage while she was so graciously thanking the people around her who made this possible, and he took it away from her in the blink of an eye. At the time, she was just starting out in her career and did not deserve to be treated that way. He vocally stated his opinion that she did not deserve to win and Beyoncé did. Of course he was entitled to his opinion but it did not need to happen that way, on the stage while she was saying her speech. But, of course, Taylor did the right thing and just let him ruin her speech and didn’t say a word.
In 2015, Taylor Swift was able to present Kanye with the Video Vanguard Award, which is very prestigious, and there was no problem there. She made a joke about what he had said to her in the past but it was all laughs, so we thought there was nothing wrong. She poked a little fun at the artist but it was well deserved. He even sent her flowers afterwards so the world was at peace that the two artists were cooperating with each other. There had been nothing in the news about them so the world moved on.
Now in 2016, Kanye has just released the album “The Life of Pablo” and on it is the song “Famous.” This song has stirred up a lot of controversy about Taylor Swift yet again. His lyrics are causing feminist uproars EVERYWHERE. His lyrics are “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that b*tch famous. God d*mn. I made that b*tch famous.” Instead of just apologizing, Kanye decided to take to Twitter and go on a rant about how she told him to put those lyrics in the song (something that is confirmed to be untrue).
Taylor Swift’s brother decided to defend his sister in the funniest way possible, with a video of him throwing out his Yeezy’s with barely any sound and the caption “spring cleaning.” It was a great way to get the point across while not causing a lot of trouble.
But, the ultimate way to handle this situation was Taylor Swift’s speech at the Grammy’s. She said, “I want to say to all the young women out there, there will be people along with way that will try to undermine your success, or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you focus on the work, you will look around and you will know that it was you and the people that love you that put you there. That will be the greatest moment. “This speech was the most gracious way of telling Kanye that he is irrelevant to her life and that she did this all by herself. She made her fame through pure talent and hard work and it is not up to a man to determine if the success was earned or not. This just goes to show that Taylor Swift is extremely mature and doesn’t have time for Kanye West’s bullsh*t. He did not make her famous, nor did his stunt in 2009 boost her career, which he claimed it did, because it was already on its way there.