There is a lot of strife and misunderstanding through out the United States and through out the world involving the Syrian revolution. Some people agree with helping and others don't, and there is disagreement over how to help. But, to fully understand what is going on today, we need to fully understand how we got to "today".
Before the current Syrian war, at the beginning of the 20th century, Syria was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. In 1918, at the end of World War One, Syria was independent from Ottoman ruIn 1920, Syria was under French mandate. In 1925 Syria revolted against French rule and was recognized as indepented from France on January 1st, 1944. In 1958 Syria joined Egypt to form the United Arabic Republic (UAR). Following a Military coup, Syria seceded from the UAR in September of 1961.
In November of 1970, Military defense leader, Hafiz al-Assad took over. This began a long dictatorship run by his family. His family is still in power today, even though the current leader, Bashar al-Assad, is referred to as "President". Bashar al-Assad became the dictator, or president, on July 17, 2001. In 2011, Anti-Syrian government protest began. March of 2011 Assad's administration fired shots on the protestors. July 2011 protestors began to fire back. This began the Syrian revolution. Troops defect from Assad's army to join the protestors, creating the Free Syrian Army.
Eventually there is a four way split between parties fighting in Syria. Jihadist join the rebels but later split from them due to disagreements. This created ISIS. The Kurds seceded from Assad's rule. This creates a Proxy war (a war instigated by a power that does not itself become involved), however ISIS focuses on fighting the Kurds. The Rebels gain aid from the Gulf States and Turkey (formerly part of the Ottoman Empire). The Gulf States send aid through Turkey and eventually Jordan. Russia and Iran eventually back Assad. By 2013, the Middle East is divided between the two Islamic parties, Sunni (the Rebels), and Shia (Assad). Sunni basically believe that people of good practice (of the Islamic religion) should rule. Shia believe only the blood of Muhammad should rule.
President Obama authorizes the CIA to train the rebels, but this stalls out in the early stages. The US backed down and later the CIA begins to to train rebels in order for them to fight ISIS. The US becomes an active participant in the war. In 2014 the US sends air raids against ISIS. The US saw ISIS as a bigger threat.
In 2015 Russia bombs the Rebels. But, going back to 2013, Assad began to use chemical warfare. He also bombed hospitals, which is against international law. n recent events, the latest, if not more, of the chemical raids against the Rebels, Russia was an aid. These chemical attacks cause people to suffocate to death, burning from the inside out. The Trump administration sent a representative to the UN to persuade them to step in. President Trump talks to his cabinet and Military advisors, and together they decided the US needed to step in. Trump sent an air raid to aid the Rebels. Some American's respond was that they were applied, and acted as if it was an executive order, but that is far from true. Trump had support from everyone he needed to go through before authorizing the air raids.
We as a country are split between allowing refugees in and aiding the rebels overseas. Some people agree with allowing refugees over but don't want to send military aid. How can we allow people in but not help them to were they can get here? Wether or not you agree with allowing refugees in, if you do, by default you have to agree with helping them escape in any way we can. We are allowing political differences to keep us from making decisions. We can not go back and forth, agree one day, but not the next. Regardless of who you desired to be elected, this is happening and it has to be ridden out. Don't be selfish and pout just because it's not Hillary calling the shots. And Trump supporters, it's more than just ,,'Merica,,. This is about global community and as of right now the UN failing according to the Trump administration. This is about children dying, hospitals being bombed, dictators doing whatever necessary to stay in power. Make an active change and don;t be so fickle or ignorant about what is going on around you. Research before you develop an opinion and speak. We don't know it all and that disables us greatly when it comes to developing opinions. You sound dumb is your one of the ones wanting to take in refugees but refuse to send aid. Trump won't send you to war, but if it came too it, your selfish for not truly fighting for what you believe in. Some people cry all the time saying "there are innocent t people dying, The women and children need help", but they don't want tactually fight to get them here. Don't be a bandwagoner, and research before you speak.