Every year, sometime during the months of April and May, we hear all about becoming “summer body” ready. But what does that really mean? Why has it become all about the “summer body” and not about “healthy body?” I know I might be ranting here, but, seriously, being healthy is the most important thing.
In no way shape or form, do I have a “summer body.” Not even close. But I’m not working to get one either. Having a summer body isn’t the end goal for me. For me, I just want to be healthy. Yes, that may take a while, but I don’t just want to have a “summer body,” I want to have a strong and healthy body year round.
The summer body trend, in my opinion, just shouldn’t be a thing. People should learn to embrace the body they have. If they aren’t happy with their body, then they should work to be healthy and happy 365 days of the year, not just for the three months that make up summer.
Girls bring this trend to a whole new level. They don’t eat enough. They spend way too much time counting calories. LIKE HONEY, YOU’RE 14; CALM DOWN. I am not kidding you, this trend could have consequences on the physical health of people, especially teenagers. The boys don’t care nearly as much, but they do care about looking fit when they go to the beach. I think that’s great, but be careful. Food is important for the body, and so is exercise, as long as you do it right.
Think about the self-esteem effects that this has. If you have the “summer body” already, then great. Everyone compliments you, you love to not wear clothes, and of course, you take pictures to document how hot you look. But what about the people who society says don’t have the “summer body?” How do they feel? Don’t make people feel self-conscious because they don’t have a body like yours. THAT’S JUST PLAIN RUDE. Not all of us were blessed with fast metabolisms and can go extremely long periods without eating. Sorry.
People want to have fun with their summers, especially by going to the beach. Do not make them feel bad about their body. DO NOT. DON’T BE THAT JERK.
Instead of continuing the whole “summer body” trend, how about we work towards the healthy body trend? It’s important to be healthy 365 days of the year, not just for the three months that we spend wearing minimal clothing. Instead of putting people down because their bodies aren’t “summer ready,” we should motivate them to eat healthy and to exercise because it is important to be healthy all the time. Let us change the trend. Work together to create a stronger and healthier nation. No one wants to be friends with the people make others feel bad about themselves. Work to be positive and embrace your body. It isn’t always about being skinny and “summer ready.” It's about being healthy and ready to live a long and happy life.