To the class of 2016, there are some things to keep in mind this summer before you embark on life’s next adventure. There’s nothing like going from being the big fish in a little pond to becoming the baby fish in an ocean. Welcome to the real world, but don’t rush into the next step too quickly. This summer, after high school, will be one of the best summers of your life; so embrace it and cherish every moment like it is your last. Take a lot of pictures, laugh so hard you cry, don’t waste time on the little things, and remember that it is much more fun to just love life than to stress about what’s next. Here are a few things to think about as you go through your summer after senior year.
You feel free from the high school stress.
You were just stressed out from all of the tests, the essays and everything else that life was hitting you with at the end of your senior year. Now you are realizing that all of that stress is finally gone and it is time to relax. You no longer need to be running around like a chicken with your head cut off thinking that you’re forgetting something important. You are done with high school and there’s no turning back. Don’t start stressing about it being over. Always be proud of what you have accomplished. The stresses are over. Enjoy life.
You’re excited for the next step in your life.
Whatever the next step in your life may be, whether it is college, a job, or anything else you can imagine, this is one of the most exciting times of your life. You are about to embark on a journey that will take you to places you have never been before. This is the first time that you got to make a life changing decision for yourself. You chose this, so be excited. There may be times when you got sad realizing that high school is over, but always know that there is more out there for you and the possibilities are endless. Be excited and don’t let anyone take that away from you.
You aren’t forced to fake a smile if you don’t want to.
All through high school you were basically told who to hang out with. You saw the same people every single day for the past 13 years. Now you have choices. More than likely (as sad as it sounds), your whole graduating class will never be together again. You don’t have to fake a smile when you don’t like someone. You don’t have to fake a smile when you don’t like the school lunch. You don’t have to fake it anymore. The ball is now in your court, embrace it. You finally have all the power to be who you want to be and be around the people who make you happy.
You won’t have to force a smile, it won’t leave your face.
Although some days may be sad when you think about leaving each other for a while; this summer is full of endless possibilities with so many memories to make. You will be smiling every time you are with your friends because you know your days are numbered. You make the most of every day without even realizing it. Once you start counting the days, you’ll realize that you need to make the days count. This will be one of the best summers of your life, so get out there and love every second of it.
It’s actually a blessing in disguise to still live with your parents.
You will never realize how much you love living at home until you’re living in a college dorm and all you want is your mom or dad’s home cooked meal. This is the summer that you will realize how much your parents actually mean to you. You’ve spent the last 18 years relying on them and sometimes taking them for granted. You will start to realize that you soon will not have them around every day. Parents are truly a blessing, so make sure you make time for them this summer.
The friends you’ve had for 13 years are by your side.
Most importantly, you will spend this summer with the friends who have been with you for the past 13 years. You’re more than likely closer to your friends than you have ever been before and you can’t see how this could ever change. Let me tell you from experience, it will never be like this again. The sad reality is, people change and there are some people who are your best friends now that you may never see again. Enjoy the time you have now, there is nothing like spending time with the closest people in your life to you and sharing this amazing experience together. Act young and crazy and never take this for granted.
Each second counts and with each second that goes by, you are a second older and you can’t get any of the time back. Don’t waste the summer on anything that won’t be important in a few months. Love your family. Love yourself. Love your friends. And do not take this summer for granted, you will never have a summer like it again in your life.
Congratulations to the class of 2016!