One of the most iconic Disney series is the "High School Musical" series. Between the catchy songs, the drama of high school, and of course, the dance moves, this series was known for entertaining audiences with its stellar cast.
We followed this group from some of their beginning journeys at East High all the way up until they graduated. We've seen the many songs, sassy comebacks, and emotional moments from these guys, and we sometimes relate to them on a spiritual level.
Now as you know, unfortunately summer is coming to an end, meaning that it's time to get back into the school routine.
This is the story of summer, "High School Musical" style!
1. School is out for the summer!
2. Day one of summer.
"I'm going to get in shape this summer and actually work out."
.....three days later...
3. "I have work in the morning."
4. When you and the bestie realize you both have the same day off this week.
5. When you realize there's only 20 days until school is back in session...
6. Who hasn't ordered their books yet?!
7. "This summer I'm going to go to the beach, see all my friends, maybe take a trip somewhere."
*When summer is ending in two weeks and you have done none of the above*
8. "Wow, looks like there's two weeks until school starts!"
9. Oh wait, what about that summer project we all have to do but haven't started yet!?
10. When you realize that you're going back to school and have to start waking up early again.
11. The night before classes start:
12. Time for a fresh slate!
As you can see, the "High School Musical" series is an extremely relatable trilogy. That being said, since it is such a classic, I bet those of you who read all the way through this could probably name which movie each of these snippets came from, sing the song, and maybe even do the dance.
As we begin to get back into the school routine, let's not forget to get our heads in the game and stay fabulous!