Almost everybody has their personal hobbies and interests in life that keep them entertained and preoccupied apart from their daily responsibilities that may not be enjoyable to everyone, like a job or career. I personally feel that having a hobby that revolves around a different aspect of your life is almost always important, since it serves as an escape from the daily struggles everybody faces.
My personal hobbies and interests include fitness, and I'm here to list the 11 ways fitness changed and enhanced my life for the better.
1) It's taught me consistency
We've all heard the expression "Rome wasn't built in one day" a million times. But do we actually live by that expression, or do we see it as the easiest thing to say to others who get discouraged by slow results? Anything in life worth having takes a while to achieve, but the end results are worth the wait, as long as you are consistent.
2) It's taught me about priorities
3) It's taught me responsibility
I can't tell you the number of times I've set alarms at 6 or 7 in the morning so I could work out prior to a full day of working or having class. I find getting it out of the way first thing some mornings makes my day a lot easier, since I can focus on other commitments as well, such as school assignments or homework. It's taught me the responsibility of waking up early to do something I may not feel like doing certain days, but something I definitely have to do.
4) It's taught me to respect the body I live in
I don't go to the gym just to throw all that work away by screwing up my diet. A healthy lifestyle is at least 80% diet and 20% gym time. I make sure to nourish my body throughout the day with whole and healthy foods so I can feel better about myself as opposed to eating something unhealthy and only regretting it later.
5) It's given me motivation
Ever since adapting to a fit lifestyle almost three years ago, I find myself more motivated than ever. I have a lot more energy to stick through things. I find myself setting a lot more goals in life. I'm always thinking hopeful and positively. Whether it was a change in attitude or those "feel good" endorphins kicking in, I've noticed this change in my life a lot more ever since making the gym and clean eating a part of it.
6) It's made me used to setting goals
Whether it's adding another rep to my set, or trying to increase the weight on my lifts, I find myself setting a lot more goals in my actual life as well as my gym life. Being so used to setting gym goals for myself, I've found myself thinking a lot more about my future and setting lifelong goals outside the gym as well.
7) It's taught me to think about how I feel just as much as how I look
We get it, people go to the gym because they want to look amazing and are obsessed with getting those killer beach bodies. But living a healthy lifestyle is more than just the aesthetics. You need to feel just as good as you look. You need to feel energized and awake. You need to find it in yourself to feel confident in your own skin and truly believe that you look good.
8) It's taught me to be in control of my own mind
Living a fit lifestyle comes with the negative downfalls as well as the positive things. It's all a mental game. Your brain loves playing tricks on you, it's what it does best! There's days where you're going to feel like you're body could look a lot better, or skinnier, or toned, or defined. This lifestyle has made me aware of those mental obsessions we hear so much about amongst other people. It's taught me to expect the worst, and to accept that I'm doing the best I can and trying my hardest to look the best I can, and that's all that matters in the end.
9) It's given me knowledge
These past few years, I have learned a tremendous amount of information regarding nutrition and fitness. I know what I can and cannot eat, and I know exactly what it is I have to do to get my body to look a certain way. There has never been a better feeling than knowing information and pure facts that serve such a beneficial purpose in somebody's life. Knowledge is key.
10) It's taught me balance
Don't get me wrong, I don't eat nutritious 24/7. I'm human. That means I have cravings and desires...all the time. However, I don't deprive myself of those cravings. Doing that only makes you lash out more and end up eating everything in site. By all means, live a fit and healthy lifestyle, just don't trap yourself in your own man made jail cell while doing it. Live!
11) And finally, it's taught me to be happy
If your hobby is something you feel forced doing, then there's a problem right then and there. A hobby and lifestyle should be something you yourself enjoy doing and look forward to. Faking your happiness in something will only make you more miserable and end up resenting it more than you already do. Life is too short, do what you love and don't think twice about it or anyone else.