Success. It is something that everyone dreams of achieving. If it is so widespread, then everyone should know exactly what it is...right? The problem is that no one knows the true meaning of success. Most people could not even give a definition of success. This is my conclusion of what success is...
1. Success is defined by each person.
Each person is able to define what success is to them. After asking people around the community, I realized that not one answer was the same. Some might define success as reaching the job they have been working towards. Others may define success as delighting in the Lord and directing their children. These are both claims of success that have nothing to do with each other. The success was defined by each person.
2. Success is not defined by money.
The amount of money you make does not make you successful or unsuccessful (unless you choose to allow it). I asked my friend Cassidy what she believed success to be and she responded with, "Success is owning a home with a happy family; a family that is loved." This has no correlation with the amount of money that she makes. She defines her success by happiness and love.
3. Success is not set in stone.
If you change your mind, IT IS OKAY! Success is not about having the same dream for fifteen years and suddenly achieving it. Growth needs to occur in each person and through that our dreams and achievements do not stay the same. Things change and we change with them. It is okay to change your major, job, or life.
4. Success is defined by you.
The previous three points ultimately come to this conclusion. Success is defined by you. It is not defined by your parents, your children, you friends, or co-workers. YOU define whether or not you are successful. You can find your success in the small things or the daily things.
The key to success is you. The key to how some people are successful and others are not is based on how they portray/perceive their success to be.
Life happens. People change. You change. In the end, success is based off of who you are and what you make success to be.